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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 26, 2008
Skype version prevents my mac from sleeping

$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
VACTDisabled        1
Currently in use:
standbydelaylow      10800
standby              1
womp                 1
halfdim              1
hibernatefile        /var/vm/sleepimage
proximitywake        1
powernap             1
gpuswitch            0
networkoversleep     0
disksleep            10
standbydelayhigh     86400
sleep                1 (sleep prevented by Skype Helper (Renderer)) <=======
hibernatemode        25
ttyskeepawake        1
displaysleep         10
tcpkeepalive         1
highstandbythreshold 50
acwake               0
lidwake              1

I cannot install older version, it automatically updates itself and there is no way to disable updates.
I found this reply on Not sure if it is totally applicable, but it can't hurt to do a fresh install of skype.

Replied on April 24, 2019
Hi DKeim
Greetings! I am Vijay, an Independent Advisor. I am here to work with you on this problem.

Skype helper is for Skype update functions. It will keep running. To optimize Skype resource consumption, you should do a clean uninstall and reinstall of latest Skype on Mac using below method.

Quit Skype by secondary clicking Skype, then select Quit Skype.
Open your Applications folder and drag your copy of Skype to the trash.
Open Finder and search for “Skype” using the search feature in Mac OS X. Move all of the results returned to the trash.
Secondary click on the trash icon, and select Empty Trash.
Restart your Mac.
Download and install the latest version of Skype from

Source -

Do let me know if you require any further help on this. Will be glad to help you.
Best regards
Vijay Verma

Timezone: UTC+05:30, PST+12:30
Availability Hours (UTC) : 05:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Does the same to me on Windows, shutting it down allows the machine to go to sleep. If left open it will not allow the machine to sleep, on a Mac no clue I do not allow my machine to sleep.
I found this reply on Not sure if it is totally applicable, but it can't hurt to do a fresh install of skype.

Replied on April 24, 2019
Hi DKeim
Greetings! I am Vijay, an Independent Advisor. I am here to work with you on this problem.

Skype helper is for Skype update functions. It will keep running. To optimize Skype resource consumption, you should do a clean uninstall and reinstall of latest Skype on Mac using below method.

Quit Skype by secondary clicking Skype, then select Quit Skype.
Open your Applications folder and drag your copy of Skype to the trash.
Open Finder and search for “Skype” using the search feature in Mac OS X. Move all of the results returned to the trash.
Secondary click on the trash icon, and select Empty Trash.
Restart your Mac.
Download and install the latest version of Skype from

Source -

Do let me know if you require any further help on this. Will be glad to help you.
Best regards
Vijay Verma

Timezone: UTC+05:30, PST+12:30
Availability Hours (UTC) : 05:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Thank you for this tip.

I did proper removal and reinstall but this did not help.

It still prevents sleeping.
Does the same to me on Windows, shutting it down allows the machine to go to sleep. If left open it will not allow the machine to sleep, on a Mac no clue I do not allow my machine to sleep.
So it is a wider issue, not only on mac. Hope lot of people complain about this to force a fix.
Unless they have changed it Skype uses on line nodes ie. your computer to route calls which is why it prevents it going to sleep. At work it is policy that if you have Skype installed you only have it running while you actually need it for this very reason
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