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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 6, 2007
I have the Mac Mini server, mid 2011 and updated to Mountain Lion and now it will not sleep. The screen goes blank but the drives are still spinning and the light stays solid. Anyone have any ideas? I have set the power save to 1 hour and the drives to switch off when possible.
I'm not on ML but my 2011 mini server has never slept by itself since the day I bought it. It will sleep if I manually invoke the command via keyboard shortcut or menu option, but it will not sleep via inactivity timer.

Sad to see it still seems broken in ML, this was on of the very very few things I hoped Apple would fix. Guess I have basically no reason to upgrade for now.
To above

It always slept before the update, either with at/cmd/eject or by itself. Now it does neither. Apart from this it is a nice upgrade.
Hm, hope you get it resolved. I have had very bad experiences with sleep problems on my macs. I have seen it happen and then never be fixable. There are thousands of discussions on the apple forums about people's macs not sleeping and I have yet to find one that definitively fixes the issue.

Did you do a fresh install? Maybe try a clean install of the OS if you haven't gotten in too far.
I am thinking of a clean install as i upgraded over the server version of lion. problem is i have no idea how to do this.
As to my other macs, i have never had a sleep problem with any of them. The only time they wake is if the batteries are getting low on bluetooth mice or keyboards.
My Mac also wouldn't sleep on Lion but then I installed PleaseSleep and it knocked it out.
But now with ML it seems the app is no longer supported.

I did a restore using cmd R at boot up and reinstalled ML.
It took ages but it now sleeps again :)
I solved the problem on my mac mini.

First, according to this post I opened terminal and typed :
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist
the the Mac Mini goes to sleep but then after awake the Internet Connection gets lost. I have solved this by running
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.isc.named.plist
after the Mac Mini awakes. But this can only be a workaround.

So I wanted to make a script before and after sleeping to automate this.
So I installed sleepwatcher following this tutorial.
Strangely, sleepwatcher doesn't put a sleep the mac, but sleep work normally now !
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