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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 13, 2001
iPod Apps Ideas

instead of posting on macrumors server anymore, i'll host images and keep from spamming the area. you can find some ideas at the URL above - add to them in this thread if you want to ;) how close will any of us come? push the envelope!
I have to commend you for actually helping against the influx of spam posts. The iPod "features" are all great, but the only one I think is too far fetched is the iPhone adpater because it would be a pain in the ass to dial the numbers without an actual numeric keypad. good job though;)
I think the Calculator is the best idea on there, i wouldnt be suprised if we saw a calc in the ipod in the future.
the phone could use a modified version of the keyboard...


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I want to see them go back to the moving scroll-wheel!

My friend has the 20GB iPod and I didn't like the touch-wheel nearly as much as the moving scroll-wheel. I'm not getting sand in my iPod anytime soon, so let's bring back the scroll.
iMicrophone would let Apple market the iPod as (among other things) a dictation device. In between playing your favorite tunes, you could record "Note to self: look up what 'pompitous of love' means".
i haven't really figured out the file system for something like an iMicrophone for an iPod... I guess it would just place a numerical sequence of aifs or whatever in a new directory on the iPod called "recordings" or something. but then to play them back, you could scroll through the listings in that directory. i assume one could delete them as well. when you synced back up with iSync, it could put those audio files in a directory in your Documents folder called "recordings" and then remove them from the iPod (if one wished.)

... i dunno... would be great to bootleg a concert (if it could use AAC someday so the files weren't too huge after a 2 hour concert.)
I was at the Paul McCartney concert in Los Angeles last night. I didn't see any prototype iPods with microphones, but some people were calling home on their cell phones and leaving a few seconds of music on their own answering machines. I don't think this is a purpose Apple would advertise, but an iPod would certainly have more capacity.

The iMicrophone application should allow you to name your audio file and, if it's music, specify the other info such as artist, so it can be used like any other tune.
Cool ideas

I really like some of these ideas they would be great addition to the iPod. Hopefully Apple will discover this little nugget of Internet wisdom.
It would be really cool if you could program games for the iPod just like people do with calculators. I can see a new addiction forming now;)
The coolest thing, in MHO, would be to be able to hook an iPod up to a CD burner, and burn an MP3 or audio CD right there...

the recording feature would also be nice... All that they need are little firewire devices...
nice idea - i updated the page and below is something i imagine would be using the AAC format instead of mp3:


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First of all: Great Ideas!
Here are my thoughts: It will not happen that you can hook up any device via Firewire to the iPod... I don't think they'll be able to get the software together to make the iPod work with any CD writer... and I don't think it has enough power to do so. Same for the Visualizer... it would be cool, but it's useless and the iPod certainly isn't powerful enough to do stuff like that.
A mic would me great as well, but I don't see apple making a firewire microphone. (BTW: a mic only records one channel, so there wouldn't be L and R)
iPhone... naa, I don't think so.
iCam.. probably not, again I think the iPod's not powerful enough to do stuff like that. It has only one 'lil chip for playing MP3s... I even doubt it could do AAC, though I hope that would still be possible.
I would love the option to add notes with a virtual keyboard, though it would be much work... but that's not as easy as Apple likes things to be ;)
The picture viewer will most likely not come either. Apple doesn't want the iPod to be a PDA, and you can't officially view any files on the iPod right now. Remeber, to view text, you export it so it looks like a contact to the iPod.
The only thing I really think that could be part of a future update would be the adding of picture thumbs for contacts... but then, again, how does Apple want to do this, vCards don't support pictures as far as I know, do they?
But oh well, we can still dream about all this stuff. Good job on those pictures again! It's always fun looking at stuff like this...
Originally posted by MacCoaster

iPod actually has TWO ARM processors. That's right. It's dual processor powered. :)
I didn't know that... I read this one article that described every piece of hardwarre that they use in the iPod a while ago... well, maybe my memory's just really bad (probably ;) )
I would love to see the iPod with AAC support!
iPod has more power than you think...

It is true. The iPod has dual-ARM processors. The hardware also already includes MP3 encoding capability, it is just currently disabled.

So, theoretically, the iPod could:

1) Easily have a microphone for recording (dictation type stuff) or a line-in for sampling directly

2) Connect to a fire wire drive for burning CDs - Though, this is unlikely given the current legal environment ("don't steal music")

3) Visuals - The processors are powerful enough to do this, though it's questionable as to how:

a) good this would look (in grayscale)
b) useful this would be
c) how this would affect battery life
tron lightcycle game vs. computer enemies might be fun, except for the small screen. pacman would be doable... also something like atari adventure, activision atari tennis, space invaders, galaga, pole position, etc. taking a step back to my childhood.
Digital Camera storage wallet

My apologies for being a horrible artist...


BTW, can the iPod currently be used as a recording device? If so, I need to order one TODAY!!


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If the iPod Image Viewer was a color display then iWallet, a digital photo album, would be a great application. You sync an iPhoto folder of your choice to your iPod and you have the images ready to display to your friends.

Think of all the grandmothers who wouldn't need a purse full of loose "wallet photos" of their grandchildren. An appropriate set of senior citizen switcher ads (from purse to iPod) would soon follow.
Originally posted by bidge
I'm pretty sure that the vCard format does support images.
From the official vCard site :
All vCards can also have graphics and multimedia including photographs, company logos, audio clips such as for name pronunciation
I think that's only version 3.0 though... does anybody know which one Apple uses? Most companies still use 2.1...
I didn't find any software that supports images in vCards. But since it's possible, Apple could add those small pictures from the addressbook :D
How about adding the feature of an ACCURATE battery meter. I can't count how many times my iPod has died with 3 bars left.
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