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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005

I recently saw newer (well, new to me) software for the mac to make slideshows.

I know there's the option in iphoto and motion pictures from roxio, which i currently use. not bad, but i'd like something more.

This other one looked to be a bit more robust. I can't remember if the link was from MR or from macappaday, but i can't find it. I thought i had it bookmarked, but duh..i don't :( it was about $79 USD. the features could output to final cut, quicktime, ipod video, the web etc.. it looked like a great product, but i didn't have time to buy. i also checked my history and it's not there b/c i delete my history...ugh. this company also had contest with some contestant videos.

i know this is a long shot, but can anyone think of the name? or maybe post some names.

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