The great slo-motion on my iphone 6 looks great on the phone, but simply becomes a regular movie after it imports into iphoto... How do I make it keep the slo-mo effect so I can render it into iMovie HD and work with it???
I am running a 2008 desktop iMac 4 gigs RAM 1 TB of memory using SNOW LEOPARD 10.6.8 updated and upgraded from the original Leopard that came installed with FCE4 and imovie 08 (and then upgraded to iLIfe 09...).
I don't speak computer very well, so please type slowly! Thanks!
I am running a 2008 desktop iMac 4 gigs RAM 1 TB of memory using SNOW LEOPARD 10.6.8 updated and upgraded from the original Leopard that came installed with FCE4 and imovie 08 (and then upgraded to iLIfe 09...).
I don't speak computer very well, so please type slowly! Thanks!