Sometime in the past few weeks, my Mac Pro has become very slow. Anybody got any fast ideas? Could it be 10.6.7?
Check the SMART data on the drive and do a short test:
Can you still see all your RAM? Is there anything running in the background like Seti@Home and so on?
Check the SMART data on the drive and do a short test:
Why does everyone keep using this program?? It is so unreliable.. I use something called disk radar and its 300 times better than voltans poc program. Either disk radar or DiskTools Pro - those are much better than using voltans garbage program.. for instance.. I got a 2TB drive a few days ago and already smart utility says its failing.. I call BS here and then I ran it under windows and using disktools pro and disk radar - the drive passed all tests and is NOT failing..
Stay away from smart utility - its a POC program (POC=Piece of crap).
Seems that Safari or network is about 10% what it used to be in speed. I recently add the MacUpdate Spring Promo package, and seems some of the programs are POC. Not sure if this is part of the problem because the slowdown happened beore that install I think.
Ok then. Diskradar says my disk is excellent, however it has had bad sectors before resulting in lockups and dataloss. It also doesn't let you run disk tests.