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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 20, 2010
Has this happened to anyone else? Whenever turn on my computer after i have shut it off, ML works perfectly and smoothly. However, if i close my screen and let it sleep, when i reopen it the next time it become really laggy, mission control isnt smooth, scrolling isnt smooth, spaces isnt smooth either...
Does anyone know the reason why this might happen?
DP1 beta software use at your peril

caveat emptor

wait tell summer time when its warmer it will work better then :rolleyes:
have the same issues. also happens after entering the screensaver.... takes like 2 minutes to wake it up...
Try to uncheck the "Put hard disk(s) to sleep when possible" under Energy Saver in System Preferences.
Thanks for the input guys, but i tried ticking off the "put hard disk to sleep" and nothing changed. Any other suggestions?
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