Now I know people here don't like me because I prefer Thinkpads, but all that hate aside now, I want to try something. Sadly I don't have a MacBook or a MacBook Pro to test my hypothesis.
Some people have reported that 10.4.7 fixes the issues with the whine and/or mooing. This got me thinking that the problems people are facing might not be hardware related at all, but software based!
My favor to the MacRumors forum is this:
1. Install bootcamp
2. Install windows
3. Report back in here if mooing, whining persists
Now you may be asking yourself why in the world am I asking this. I want to figure out if the mooing and the whining is a physical/hardware defect, or an issue with OS X itself.
If the mooing and/or whining are still occurring in Windows then we can reach the conclusion that the issue is hardware based. If the problem is gone then we know the problem is OS X.
Now hey if you don't want to install Windows but install Linux then knock yourself out, I'm just suggesting to try an operating system that isn't OS X.
To the brave souls who do this, many thanks for your time and effort.
If this experiment was already done then I apologize for a repost of the same old topic and ask that this thread be locked and deleted.
EDIT: I forgot to create a poll ::slaps forehead:: and am trying to get a mod to correct the issue. Hang tight!
Some people have reported that 10.4.7 fixes the issues with the whine and/or mooing. This got me thinking that the problems people are facing might not be hardware related at all, but software based!
My favor to the MacRumors forum is this:
1. Install bootcamp
2. Install windows
3. Report back in here if mooing, whining persists
Now you may be asking yourself why in the world am I asking this. I want to figure out if the mooing and the whining is a physical/hardware defect, or an issue with OS X itself.
If the mooing and/or whining are still occurring in Windows then we can reach the conclusion that the issue is hardware based. If the problem is gone then we know the problem is OS X.
Now hey if you don't want to install Windows but install Linux then knock yourself out, I'm just suggesting to try an operating system that isn't OS X.
To the brave souls who do this, many thanks for your time and effort.
If this experiment was already done then I apologize for a repost of the same old topic and ask that this thread be locked and deleted.
EDIT: I forgot to create a poll ::slaps forehead:: and am trying to get a mod to correct the issue. Hang tight!