The small slot under the cd/dcd slot, is that for picture cards? Just noticed it. Is there someplace I can go to read up on general things about this computer, seeing as it came with little info?
The small slot under the cd/dcd slot, is that for picture cards? Just noticed it. Is there someplace I can go to read up on general things about this computer, seeing as it came with little info?
That is your chip upgrade slot. Once Apple announces the upgrade, you'll buy the chip and plug it in so that your system can receive the wireless signals that are transmitted once the upgrade is announced.
The small slot under the cd/dcd slot, is that for picture cards? Just noticed it. Is there someplace I can go to read up on general things about this computer, seeing as it came with little info?
sorry mate , you asked for it , google might help and of course apple website ,
if you want to know all what's inside your mac , just click this black apple in the top left corner and then click "about this mac" , when you see a window popping up which tells you what osx version you got , the processor and ram , just click on "more info" and you get every info about your mac
Gotta agree....that's pretty whacked that you'd buy the system, then have to come here to ask what the card slot was for.
The small slot under the cd/dcd slot, is that for picture cards? Just noticed it. Is there someplace I can go to read up on general things about this computer, seeing as it came with little info?