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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2021
Is there actually a Smart Lock that can open when there is an Airtag nearby?

My use case:
I have a child that comes home from school. I don’t wanna give her a Smartphone just yet but I do have spare Airtags.

So I was wondering if I can get my Tedee Smart Lock or any kind of Smart Lock for that matter to open the door when my child is coming home with an Airtag in the bag?

Do you know if that kind of scenario is even possible with an Airtag


macrumors 603
Oct 23, 2014
Port Moody, BC, Canada
Hmm. Even though they have bluetooth, they don't really announce themselves like typical bluetooth devices - so any home automation based around the presence of certain bluetooth devices being present may fail (a friend of mine did that with his wine cellar - if neither his nor this wife's phones are home, the door remains locked to the wine cellar).

As it has an NFC radio, it's possible that you might be able to trick an NFC lock into unlocking when it received that identity? (your child would have to tap the airtag on the specific area of the lock designed to read the NFC ID).

If you're successful, you should post a wiki here telling people how to do it. :)
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