I have my iphone set to sync only selected albums and playlists, not my entire music library.
When I set up a smart playlist in Itunes for Songs with zero play count, Itunes wants to copy songs from the library that I had not selected for syncing. My iphone does not have the disc space for that.
How do I make a smart playlist for unplayed songs that are currently selected for syncing only, and not from the entire library?
I have my iphone set to sync only selected albums and playlists, not my entire music library.
When I set up a smart playlist in Itunes for Songs with zero play count, Itunes wants to copy songs from the library that I had not selected for syncing. My iphone does not have the disc space for that.
How do I make a smart playlist for unplayed songs that are currently selected for syncing only, and not from the entire library?