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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 20, 2014

I'm setting up a list of smart folders which will search inside my sample library folder called 'Samples'. Each Smart Search Criteria has some conditions, i.e.

Name matches 'Bass'
Duration is more than 2 seconds
Any (Are true)

All works fine. But I was wondering, my sample library 'Samples' containes folders from the sample packs, and within the sample packs, there are folders called 'Bass Loops' etc.. Some of the sample packs may not have a name of Bass but are placed in the Bass Loops folder.

So rather than search a specific file name, I'd like to list all files in folders called 'Bass Loops'. Is it possible to search multiple folder names like 'Bass Loops' and list all the contents.?

Hope this makes sense..

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