Had my iMac for a couple of weeks now and was just wondering if anyone had advice for SMC fan settings. I pretty much have mine set at 1700 / 2500 / 2000 for regular use and for gaming (mainly under Windows XP) I have them set at 1800 / 3100 / 2400 (I have an external DVD drive for XP use so I don't worry about changing the Drive fan).
My temps seem to stay pretty good, the HD ranges between 45 - 53/4'ish ºC and after checking other posts about temps I am pretty certain my othertemps are in the normal range.
Is that fan setting too high for gaming? I'm mainly worried that these settings will stuff up the fans quicker. Or am I just being paranoid!
Thanks in advance.
Had my iMac for a couple of weeks now and was just wondering if anyone had advice for SMC fan settings. I pretty much have mine set at 1700 / 2500 / 2000 for regular use and for gaming (mainly under Windows XP) I have them set at 1800 / 3100 / 2400 (I have an external DVD drive for XP use so I don't worry about changing the Drive fan).
My temps seem to stay pretty good, the HD ranges between 45 - 53/4'ish ºC and after checking other posts about temps I am pretty certain my othertemps are in the normal range.
Is that fan setting too high for gaming? I'm mainly worried that these settings will stuff up the fans quicker. Or am I just being paranoid!
Thanks in advance.