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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2012
as the title sez...

brand new unboxing... just today...

did the welcome setup... n beyond that... instantly updated the smc update...

standard apple stuff... pls connect wire... (or ensure >25% batt) ... figure it was brand new with >70% (and i've done updates without the power b4), i just clicked ok... it went onto a white screen with the mouse still movable... but that's about it...

now... white screen... mouse movable... longer than 30 mins and counting... i wouldn't wanna cold/force shut it down do i =(...

should i wait longer???... must i force shut down?

it didn't even had it's 1st normal shut down/start up yet ='( ... how sad is that....
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2012
finally decided to force-shutdown it.... drats... restarted the machine n it instantly started the smc installation though...

so far so good... installation went fine... no other updates from apple...

~ installed BTT (to be customized when needed... but not using atm)

~ gfxstatus... integrated had obvious stuttering... discrete was smoother but not butter smooth...) ... *update,* after using awhile... the integrated performing better... not smooth, but better than when it 1st started...

~ dead pixel/backlight bleed / music test / + 1st appearance on the cosmetics seems all A-OK!

getting familiar with ML ( previous MB 2008~9 i think, it's C2D gfx 9800m... with SL)

~ black magic hdd test results are as expected...

~ m i missing anything????


macrumors 68020
Feb 8, 2008
Maybe a fan control?

PS: You might want to put [Solved] in the thread title ;)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2012
Maybe a fan control?

PS: You might want to put [Solved] in the thread title ;)

thx... updated title...

fan control, any recommendations? though, not incline to use any yet... my temps are hold well, n so far mostly in an air-con room... no intensive apps/progs yet... will be installing win7-bootcamp soon ... getting my stuff together...

from istatpro = (gfxstatus on integrated only atm)
cpu heatsink currently @ 42c
gpu @ 44c

if not mistaken, b4 i installed gfxstatus, cpu was at 50~ish and gpu was... i forgot... 55c?

~ btw, sound quality.... awesomeness!
~ did the terminal code test... get and LG screen.... no probs with it so far though =)
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