I have recently encountered this problem. Quite a few times, when i want to send a text message, it will not go through and a red exclamation mark is shown beside the message. When i go to my message inbox, it states "message send failure".
I have only encountered this problem after upgrading to the OS 3.0, before then i never had this problem. I called rogers and everything seems normal with my account. This problem persists with a multitude of numbers- so it is not a problem on the other end.
I find the only way to rid of this problem is to delete my message entirly and create a new one.
Does anyone have any insight to this problem.
Also the phone is not jail broken and it the a 16 GB iphone 3G
this problem only occurs with sms not mms messages- i have not tried mms messaging at the current moment
I have only encountered this problem after upgrading to the OS 3.0, before then i never had this problem. I called rogers and everything seems normal with my account. This problem persists with a multitude of numbers- so it is not a problem on the other end.
I find the only way to rid of this problem is to delete my message entirly and create a new one.
Does anyone have any insight to this problem.
Also the phone is not jail broken and it the a 16 GB iphone 3G
this problem only occurs with sms not mms messages- i have not tried mms messaging at the current moment