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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 9, 2010
Why can't they fix the SMS sound stutter bug? It still happens all the 2 iPhone 4S and 3 iPhone 4 in our household!! After days pass, the bug becomes increasingly annoying with 10-15 times stutter on receiving a single SMS.

Video demo here:

It disappears when we restart our phones only to irritate us after 1-2 days. There are some workarounds like disabling iMessage or turn off showing SMS in lock screen. But I use iMessage a lot as everyone here has iPhones.

It can't be a defective phone problem. Doesn't anyone's phone exhibit this bug?
Poor show Apple
Of the other videos the solution that looked best was a reset (not simply turning off and on).

Because it's happening on all your devices, could there be something you're doing to cause it? Honest question, I was having issues with multiple installs of Windows 7 until I realized my "standard build" caused the issue. To put it another way, did every device exhibit the issue straight out of the box before you put any apps on it or made any settings change or JB? You could test that now with a restore as new (after making sure you have a good, restorable backup) and then send it a message. If you go to a Genius they'll probably want you to do that anyway.

Even though some people have posted the issue on YouTube, if you have randomly collected all the defective devices you should buy a lottery ticket! ;)
Yes. Every device is on fresh install of iOS 5.1

Tried reset, downloading same image multiple times.
All my friends face the same issue and so do huge no. of people online.
Never hadthis issue until 5.1 on my 4s. Also for the first time I got text typing stuttering, never had this before on 5.0.x.
Overall the phone seems a bit slower with these issues, kind of reminds me of my iPhone 3g in a way(of course not as bad).
This is not typing stuttering. Check the video in my first post and you will notice it is an embarrassing sound bug.
Have you tried turning off viewing messages in the lock screen? If that works and turning it back on, try turning off viewing in lock screen again and power cycle the phone, then turn it back on. It's odd that so many different things work/don't work for different folks.
Wow, that's annoying. My phone has a stutter occasionally, but it would only have a "hiccup" once. Not that many times.
Do you by chance have it set to vibrate on audible tones as well? My wife's was doing that and it resolved after we turned off vibrate when she had the phone on regular mode (it was set to do both).
There is a fix posted for this issue where you do not need to turn off vibrate or turn off view in lock screen. Go to the following link to read it.
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