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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2008
I have a jailbroken 2.1 iPhone using custom SMS tones. I've thought about not jailbreaking when I upgrade to 3.0, but I really don't want to use the godawful default SMS tones Apple provides. Why on Earth won't apple let us use our own? When I do a restore is there anway I can leave my current SMS tones intact? Or do they get overwritten when I upgrade?
I have a jailbroken 2.1 iPhone using custom SMS tones. I've thought about not jailbreaking when I upgrade to 3.0, but I really don't want to use the godawful default SMS tones Apple provides. Why on Earth won't apple let us use our own? When I do a restore is there anway I can leave my current SMS tones intact? Or do they get overwritten when I upgrade?

Once you do a restore, it will become unjailbroke and unfortunately you will lose your custome SMS tones. I prefer to use SMS tones other than the default ones myself.


Can you please tell me how can I change SMS tone?
I have jailbreaked Iphone 3G version 2.2.0.


Can you please tell me how can I change SMS tone?
I have jailbreaked Iphone 3G version 2.2.0.


Try searching, there are quite a few articles around on the net. It requires navigating the file system to find the tones area, and you must rename your new tone the same as an old tone. Also has to be in a certain format. There a few steps involved (least there was when I was attempting it as a windows user) so searching for a proper tutorial is the way to go.
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