I've searched dozens of forums and have found a lot of users with a similar predicament but no-one seems to fully get the problem. so here goes:
I've D/Led both redsnOw and the most recent firmware (3.0) and read the tutorial @ iclarified. when I run redsnOw it asks me to select the ISPW for my current firmware so I click browse and navigate to the folder I have the firmware saved and there is nothing that is selectable for redsnOw. the firmware that I d/led is even different that they show on the iclarified tutorial. on the tutorial it is shown as "3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw" and I have "iPhone1,2_3-1" and I got it from the link on the tutorial that calls it "3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw"
and yes it is unzipped and no there is no file in the folder containing the .ipsw file mentioned above.
so do I have the right firmware? am I missing something obvious? what do I do?
I've D/Led both redsnOw and the most recent firmware (3.0) and read the tutorial @ iclarified. when I run redsnOw it asks me to select the ISPW for my current firmware so I click browse and navigate to the folder I have the firmware saved and there is nothing that is selectable for redsnOw. the firmware that I d/led is even different that they show on the iclarified tutorial. on the tutorial it is shown as "3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw" and I have "iPhone1,2_3-1" and I got it from the link on the tutorial that calls it "3.0.0 (3G): iPhone1,2_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw"
so do I have the right firmware? am I missing something obvious? what do I do?