Hello guys,
I have been reading and reading and I just get a little confused with which graphics card is for me.
I am trying to run two 19" screens off of one card. The program manufacture suggests this:
-Hardware acceleration, greater than 256MB graphic RAM
-Resolution at least 1280x800 pixels (recommended: 1920x1080)
-Highly recommended: NVIDIA 9800 GTX or NVIDIA Geforce!GTX285 or AMD
Radeon 5870 / 6970 or better, also NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT laptop card
-Very important: no shared graphics memorythis will cause onPC to not
draw properly.
I will br running in windows 7 mainly. I don't want to spend a lot of cash but I will spend enough to meet these specs.
Can anyone suggest a good drop in card that is ready to go with the mac pro 4.1? I want to keep my original card in there as well.
I have a 4.1 2.66 quad core 3gb of ram.
I have been reading and reading and I just get a little confused with which graphics card is for me.
I am trying to run two 19" screens off of one card. The program manufacture suggests this:
-Hardware acceleration, greater than 256MB graphic RAM
-Resolution at least 1280x800 pixels (recommended: 1920x1080)
-Highly recommended: NVIDIA 9800 GTX or NVIDIA Geforce!GTX285 or AMD
Radeon 5870 / 6970 or better, also NVIDIA Geforce 9600M GT laptop card
-Very important: no shared graphics memorythis will cause onPC to not
draw properly.
I will br running in windows 7 mainly. I don't want to spend a lot of cash but I will spend enough to meet these specs.
Can anyone suggest a good drop in card that is ready to go with the mac pro 4.1? I want to keep my original card in there as well.
I have a 4.1 2.66 quad core 3gb of ram.