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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 8, 2010
I'm leaving on Monday for Hawaii to get married. We're flying out of JFK on Delta airlines. I looked on their website and it said that you're only allowed 1 laptop per passenger as a carry-on. I will have an iPad and a laptop, and my fiancé has an iPad as well.

Now I know as well as anyone else does that the iPad is definitely not a laptop. But does the Airline know this? Will I have any problems with both my laptop and my iPad in my carry-on bag? I called Delta, but they're clueless. The person I talked to kept thinking I was talking about an iPod. Saying "since it's much smaller it can't be mistaken for a laptop".

Anyone have any experience with this?

Thanks in advance!
No. They are preventing you from walking on carrying two laptop bags on your shoulders. They don't care much what's actually in the bag, long as it makes it through the scanner.
No. They are preventing you from walking on carrying two laptop bags on your shoulders. They don't care much what's actually in the bag, long as it makes it through the scanner.

X2. I travel with my laptop and my iPad every week. I've never even had a raised eyebrow...
X2. I travel with my laptop and my iPad every week. I've never even had a raised eyebrow...

X3. I travel with my MBPro, iPad, and 2 GPS's 3-4 times a week. The TSA in LaGuardia last week was the first person to make me take my iPad out of my backpack, he told me it had to be treated like a laptop. Not sure who told him that, but I haven't ever taken it out before or after.
I just flew and I carried a 15" Dell laptop, an iPad, iPhone, and Blackberry. I had no issues. A lady in front of me had two laptops (she was also dumb as rocks and held up the line at DFW but hey) and had no issues. I've never encountered issues on any flight with two laptops and I've done that a number of times as well. The iPad has yet to be treated like a laptop (both for go-go in flight wireless or with the TSA) as far as my experience has been.

If you are getting married though why all the electronics?
If you are getting married though why all the electronics?

We're going to be there for two weeks, and leaving our 11 month old baby with her grandparents. So the laptop will be used for some extensive Skyping, and offloading our digital cameras. The iPad is simply for entertainment on the plane (15 hours each way), and perhaps reading while in the hotel at night.
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