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macrumors P6
Original poster
May 16, 2015
Just today (09/05/2016) morning, my El Capitan 10.11.5 has failed to start. After the chime sound, it stays at black screen forever.

I am about to reinstall it, and recover from Time Machine backup.

I don't want to persuade myself to believe "Mac OS X is stable" anymore.

I know 10.11.5 is still in beta. However, I have encountered about 10 times of freezes/kernel panics in last month, starting from 10.11.4. I don't know why.

And, I must say I am lucky because I just made a Time Machine backup yesterday.

Does anyone encounters so many time of kernel panics in a month?

Update: problem solved. The culprit is the internal SSD. With that faulty SSD inside, Apple staff cannot even run diagnostics on Mac. And they can run it after removing that SSD.
Basically I need to pay $625 to replace that SSD. But luckily Apple has a quality program to replace faulty SSD, and mine is eligible.
So, after swapping a new SSD inside, I can use my Mac as usual again. Solving this issue just takes a whole day for me, which is today. (11/05/2016) I am happy with this result.
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Beta is beta. I've been running El Capitan since launch and updated every build since and never once had a crash or boot fail (although I never turn my machine off / only restart it for updates etc).

Your bad experience isn't indicative of the overall stability as a whole. Personally El Capitan is significantly better than Yosemite or Mavericks was in my opinion based on my usage (12-16 hours/day, 6-7 days/week).
Beta is beta. I've been running El Capitan since launch and updated every build since and never once had a crash or boot fail (although I never turn my machine off / only restart it for updates etc).

Your bad experience isn't indicative of the overall stability as a whole. Personally El Capitan is significantly better than Yosemite or Mavericks was in my opinion based on my usage (12-16 hours/day, 6-7 days/week).
El Capitan was very stable back to 10.11.2. From 10.11.4, things are going wrong in a much greater extent than I expect. Before installing beta, kernel panic and "file system cannot be found" error happens at least 3 times in a week, under 10.11.4.

And of course, your flawless experience doesn't mean mines is flawless.
How vanilla is your install?
When kernel panics pop up for me, it's usually because some driver or piece of resident software I installed a couple years ago and forgotten about has gone unstable. You've checked your login items in "Users & Groups"?
El Capitan was very stable back to 10.11.2. From 10.11.4, things are going wrong in a much greater extent than I expect. Before installing beta, kernel panic and "file system cannot be found" error happens at least 3 times in a week, under 10.11.4
This sounds like there is a high potential to have hardware problems at its root.
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How vanilla is your install?
When kernel panics pop up for me, it's usually because some driver or piece of resident software I installed a couple years ago and forgotten about has gone unstable. You've checked your login items in "Users & Groups"?
I have checked it and nothing much serious on there.
If problem is related to driver, then why in OS X 10.11.2 I can just keep the system running for 30 days without restarting?
As someone mentioned, there is a higher chance that hardware is the root of problem.
As someone mentioned, there is a higher chance that hardware is the root of problem.
I've had many more crashes due to software problems than hardware. There's a chance it's hardware, but I wouldn't say that it's a greater chance just yet.
I've had many more crashes due to software problems than hardware. There's a chance it's hardware, but I wouldn't say that it's a greater chance just yet.
I have tried to visit local Apple Store this morning but it looks like staff are all super busy and appointments are just gone very quickly.
Never mind. Still needs Apple Store help anyway.
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