Categories does work and works fine. I'm setting stuff the same with it like I did on the 3G before and it's good to go.
bbplayer5: At first when I tried, mine would stall on the wait for reboot like many. What I did was:
1. Restored my iphone and used the backup I made to restore it.
2. I left itunes open but didn't hit ok when it says recognize phone in DFU, I left the box running.
3. Run the purplera1n.exe and wait it it says 'wait for reboot' or something like that. It took like 10 mins before it did but Freeze did not show up (the app that installs cydia)
4. I closed down itunes and the purplera1n.exe. Rebooted my iphone once more for the heck of it.
5. After it phone was restarted, I ran purplera1n.exe a second time. This time it only took 1 minute to reboot the phone. After the reboot Freeze (app) showed up like it should then I just ran it.
6. Reboot it after you run Freeze and Cydia will show up.