He was the business-genius match to Woz, who was the engineering genius.
I don't recall anyone every claiming Steve Jobs wrote the original Mac OS, designed the original Mac himself, so save your straw-man missives for a political forum.
Steve saw what Woz made, and productized it. Steve directed many of the design elements of the original Mac (he plopped a phone book on a desk and said the original Mac's footprint should fit the size of the phone book).
Steve Jobs insisted the Mac be a GUI interface, mouse input computer. The original Mac was a command-line only no mouse "word processor" concept before Steve Jobs took over the project started by Jeff Raskin.
Pretty much every major Apple product since Steve came back to Apple has been directly influenced by Steve Jobs.
Pirate of Silicon Valley is a movie, a movie with very loose recreations of history. Apple didn't "steal/copy" the Xerox GUI concept, they paid for the rights to see it and use the fundamental concepts.
Don't base your perception of reality entirely on a dramatized movie.