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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 8, 2010
Got Raistlin Crononicles (dragonlance for the win) was getting ready to read it and realized this sucks, can adjust font and cant light up backgrond. Nuff said.
So you don't like the iPad for books? Or just the Raistlin Crononicles?

I've read on a Nook, it was a pleasant experience.
While I don't completely understand everything you wrote (English?).....

I have to say I think reading on the iPad is great. I prefer the iBooks reader but I usually read in the Kindle App. because of Amazon's selection and pricing.

Can you be more specific about your problem ie - what reader are you using and what exactly is the issue?
Got Raistlin Crononicles (dragonlance for the win) was getting ready to read it and realized this sucks, can adjust font and cant light up backgrond. Nuff said.

Yes, you can adjust the font, in iBooks, Stanza and a whole lot of other readers. If by "light up background" you mean adjust contrast, you can do that too. Curious why you'd conclude otherwise.
Do they still make those? :eek:

ha ha.....I get the OP thread now....funny how misuse of the English language can really be confusing.

Hilarious. I think it's less a misuse of English and more a sign of how far ebooks have come. They've come so far that on this forum we take the phrase "read a book" to mean "read a book on [insert name of ereader]" by default.
Hilarious. I think it's less a misuse of English and more a sign of how far ebooks have come. They've come so far that on this forum we take the phrase "read a book" to mean "read a book on [insert name of ereader]" by default.

True dat, I had to go back & read the OP to get that he was talking about an old fashioned paper book... :rolleyes:
Reminded me of Red Dwarf: :D

Lister: Any problems?
Kryten: Well, just one or two. In fact I've compiled a little list if you'll indulge me. Now then, uh, my optical system doesn't appear to have a zoom function.
Lister: No, human eyes don't have a zoom.
Kryten: Well then, how do you bring a small object into sharp focus?
Lister: Well, you just move your head closer to the object.
Kryten: I see. Move your head ... closer, hmm, to the object. All right, okay. Well, what about other optical effects, like split screen, slow motion, Quantel(tm)?
Lister: No. We don't have them.

1. Open Acrobat Pro
2. Select Create New Document from scan.
3. Scan first page of book.
3. Choose - Scan another page into the document.
4. Repeat process several times. Well, a few more than several
5. Save PDF.
6. Convert PDF to ePub format
7. Import ePub book into iTunes
8. Or, just import PDF into iTunes.
9. Sync.
10. Don't do any of this, because you're probably violating some sort of copywright laws.
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