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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 10, 2010
Adirondacks, NY
So many i5's and xeons...I love my school.




my mbp next to a nice iMac :D

Looks like someone forgot to budget cable management into this project. :p
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Wow! Where do you go to school at?! I wish my campus had iMacs and MacPros like that.. Well, the Arts and Music departments all got brand new iMacs in all their classrooms, so I guess that's good enough.. But they're all for instructor use only.. :(
Wow! Where do you go to school at?! I wish my campus had iMacs and MacPros like that.. Well, the Arts and Music departments all got brand new iMacs in all their classrooms, so I guess that's good enough.. But they're all for instructor use only.. :(

I go to a private liberal arts wesleyan college. This is our "learning commons center" open certain hours a day for anyone to use. All of these are new this year.
You lucky dog....My school is all pc's. The arts department has G4 eMac's and my major, digital media and Networking all have pc's. :( I love standing out though when I whip out my MacBook and boot up Win 7 to run Dreamweaver for an assignment lol.
You lucky dog....My school is all pc's. The arts department has G4 eMac's and my major, digital media and Networking all have pc's. :( I love standing out though when I whip out my MacBook and boot up Win 7 to run Dreamweaver for an assignment lol.

hahaha, yeah. A lot of the freshman here are now getting macbooks and macbook pros, so I am beginning to not stick out so much! Sad and happy at the same
My school is all Macs. The elementary (when I went to it) had tray loading iMac G3's with OS9 (quite similar to what is in my sig). Then they upgraded to eMacs that the upper school* with OS 10.3 didn't need anymore. The upper school got newer (faster than 1ghz) eMacs with 10.4. They had those until circa 2008 when they upgraded to 20" base iMacs that shipped with Leopard. Then the lower school upgraded to 20" base iMacs that shipped with Snow Leopard. I haven't used any of the school computers (except when I have to. eg. essay tests) since I got my 2.2GHz white MacBook in early 2008. I am now a freshman in high school. It is truly a shame that my school doesn't run updates on the iMacs, because every so often the keyboards stop working (firmware issue that was fixed with a patch).

*upper school-my school is made up of two buildings on one campus. The upper school is the middle school and high school in one building. My school has approx. 450 students total in the entire campus.
wow. My college's "open lab" uses a bunch of random Pentium 4 era Dells with 21" beige tube CRTs. The tables were originally designed to hold 286s..

I **** you not, they call it the "High Tech Center" :D
I was surprised when I entered schools computer lab to find some custom built (no name company) P4 computers running 15 inch monitors. :(
I guess people don't need tech from at least the last decade for law school.
My college is mostly Mac Pros, about 85%, and the PCs are all custom maxed out HP towers.

Here's the newest Mac Lab that me and my friends mainly pull all nighters in:

I took this last night. These are all Quad-Core Xeons@2.26GHz, NVIDIA GT 120 & 8GB RAM. These are the only ones at this campus to have the new 27" Cinemas, the rest use the previous 24" Cinemas (I think they may be matte as well), the ones at the DMC have them as well.

You may also note that all of us have MacBook Pros (mines is the second from the closet one, with my friend using my D80).
No pics at the moment but my department (graphic design/photography) all have 2 year old 21in iMacs in each room (about 20 per room 3 rooms)
The rest of the school runs on new pc's.

I go to a junior college but were really huge (Tyler junior college)
Must be nice. Most of my campus is P4's :confused: We have a handful of Athlon x4's. I've spotted a couple iMac's, in the library.
I'm doing an internship in the MIS department and I'm constantly aggravated at how drudging the process is. We do almost all installations from scratch and install all the software manually. To do software updates we have to disable the hard drive lock and sit there and watch them.

In high school it was all macs. My senior year we got 1:1 Macbooks. It was a small school and I was pretty tight with our admin/science teacher. It was a piece of cake to push out updates and a machine could be imaged and set up as fast as the drive would write.
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