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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 9, 2009
Morning/afternoon/evening all (for the worldwide members)

A few may remember my moderately p*ssed off post about my 21.5 hard drive dying. So a few days later than scheduled I get my imac back and have to reinstall OS X. Firstly I cannot get my restore disk in as i later discover a 27" install disk left in there...anyway.

Now I have a fan problem. And trust me its a problem...the only noisier electric device i have ever heard is a vacuum. After various reboots etc it wont stop so I give up! Back to apple store on Monday!

Theres no way i would get a refund after over 30 days is there?
In the mean time, you can get SMC Fan control.

Here's the macupdate page:

Change the speeds of the fans until they stop making as much noise.

I found that when my 24" iMac started having fan noise (it mysteriously healed itself a few months ago), that I could turn the speed of the fans up about 200rpm faster and they would go silent.

- but I wouldn't recommend over-spinning your fans for too long, it'll wear them out quicker and may even damage your computer! But if you're just waiting until you can send it back, then I guess it doesn't really matter.
Why Jan 7th?

Thanks mate but I'm working all day sat and sun and ive been without it for a week already so I simply wont use it.
Why Jan 7th?

Thanks mate but I'm working all day sat and sun and ive been without it for a week already so I simply wont use it.

Apple has an extended return period for the holiday season. Anything bought after October 31st 2009 can be returned until January 7th 2010.
you have my sympathy , feel really sorry for you (and all the others who hav problems with their new iMac
dont start with smt fan control , it might help a bit , but it wont sort the actual problem (very likely a not proper working sensor , just return it monday and get a new one and hope the new one is fine , if you dont want to take the risk get the refund and get a mac mini and a nice screen (maybe you can talk apple into a swap )
but you could be lucky like my mate he got his iMac number 4 now after 3 not perfect ones , and its working no yellow tinge , no noisy rattling loosing data harddrive , no blootoothproblem , it works just like it should , but he says it is a hassle a customer should not go through
Thanks for all this ace info guys.

I got mine from an authorised apple reseller and was refused even a discount off an external hd after my initial problem and was told to contact regional manager if I wanted to pursue so I can't see them handing out a refund.
Thanks for all this ace info guys.

I got mine from an authorised apple reseller and was refused even a discount off an external hd after my initial problem and was told to contact regional manager if I wanted to pursue so I can't see them handing out a refund.

sale of goods act fella. They have zero leg to stand on.

which UK reseller?
sale of goods act fella. They have zero leg to stand on.

which UK reseller?

Agreed, a little naming and shaming wouldn't go amiss. Also get on the phone to AppleCare and talk to them about the way you have been treated by this reseller. Apple can and DO take action.

They have nothing to go on, the fact that you found a 27" iMac restore DVD in your 21.5" machine shows the reseller doesn't know what the hell they are doing.

Demand a full refund.

If they bitch, as others have said, call AppleCare, things will get moved along rather quickly after that.
You know, you're lucky.
I had a Gateway laptop, that from DAY ONE, was broken.
Gateway would not even CONSIDER replacing it.
I spent over $400 shipping it to their "repair center" which to me sounds more like a mentally challenged classroom, just so they would replace my HDD, 2 times.
The problem wasn't even anywhere NEAR the HDD.

Anyway, they wouldn't replace it, and until this day it's still broken.
Well, obviously right after that, I switched to a Mac.

This is how I look at it, I won't get angry if they give me a computer broken computers, AS LONG AS THEY ADMIT IT, AND THEN REPLACE IT.

They have nothing to go on, the fact that you found a 27" iMac restore DVD in your 21.5" machine shows the reseller doesn't know what the hell they are doing.

Demand a full refund.

If they bitch, as others have said, call AppleCare, things will get moved along rather quickly after that.

I wouldn't bother with Apple.

Apple UK customer service is down there with all the other useless PC manufacturers.

the law is your friend..
I wouldn't bother with Apple.

Apple UK customer service is down there with all the other useless PC manufacturers.

the law is your friend..

In your experience maybe. But I have had nothing but excellent customer service from Apple UK.
Been given a brand new one by the shop now so I will update shortly with whatever issues it has :D if this one is plagued with issues then im getting a refund.

Reseller is Solutions inc
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