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Che Castro

macrumors 603
Original poster
May 21, 2009
You can mirror what ever is on your iPhone to the atv2 wireless

Is that it?
what else were you looking for??

I don't know...maybe apps? Hulu? CNN? Pandora? Need I go on? This was a major, major letdown. Apple TV could be a great media box. Apple seems content to let it peak at mediocre in each iteration. The worst part about it is everything is there for them to make it great this time.
I don't know...maybe apps? Hulu? CNN? Pandora? Need I go on? This was a major, major letdown. Apple TV could be a great media box. Apple seems content to let it peak at mediocre in each iteration. The worst part about it is everything is there for them to make it great this time.

Maybe AppleTV will have more spot light on it in the fall music event.
If they would of added all those features to AppleTV yesterday it would still be overshadowed by Lion and iPhone, iPad iOS5 features.

Apple Needs a more dedicated event for AppleTV for the press to really notice it and push the information around that its a revamp OS.

Last year they released AppleTV at fall event ... I hope this year they release an SDK for it
The worst part about it is everything is there for them to make it great this time.

couldnt agree more, I don't even have my atv2 plugged in anymore, there just isnt a compelling reason to use it.

that ipad mirroring via airplay looks awesome though
I don't know...maybe apps? Hulu? CNN? Pandora? Need I go on? This was a major, major letdown. Apple TV could be a great media box. Apple seems content to let it peak at mediocre in each iteration. The worst part about it is everything is there for them to make it great this time.

This is a developer conference about things that matter to developers. You can probably take the lack of focus on the ATV as a good sign that an SDK is not coming immediately. Beyond that though, no useful conclusions to be drawn.
Does mirroring now open up every single website (non-flash, of course) and app for viewing on your TV? Watching that demo video, it looks like it does. So, non-Airplay enabled apps like Hulu Plus, HBOGo, etc. may now find a place on the family room TV. Let's hope so. *fingers crossed*
Every app I have tried with it has worked, some better than others.

Slingplayer goes fullscreen, C4 on demand and BBCi player are not.

Games don't play fullscreen.

If you put the iPad to sleep, whatever is on the screen goes off, so you cant run Slingplayer with the iPad off, hopefully Apple will change something to allow this.
I don't know...maybe apps? Hulu? CNN? Pandora? Need I go on? This was a major, major letdown. Apple TV could be a great media box. Apple seems content to let it peak at mediocre in each iteration. The worst part about it is everything is there for them to make it great this time.

I agree. I disconnected mine months ago, now its collecting dust in a shelf. Id use it for Plex, but I imagine support would be better if apps could be commercialized and not rely on jailbreak and hacks. As of now I find it kinda useless. Hopefully thats gonna change come the fall event.
I use my ATV2 each and every day. I love streaming my iTunes content (including all of my ripped DVDs) to my HDTV/home theater, as do many other folks I'd imagine.

To each his own I suppose.
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