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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 29, 2005
I'm got my new MBP and for the first time I have a web cam. So, apart from photobooth and iChat, what can I do with the iSight?

Suggestions please!
I have used to send video messages - eg Happy Birthdays to friends and family who live a long way away...
Grasbak said:
I have used to send video messages - eg Happy Birthdays to friends and family who live a long way away...

Very good idea. I use it to snap pics, take video shorts, etc.

iChat never seems to work right, so its rare I use it to video chat, unfortunately.
It will sort of work with iMovie, but you need to do this wierd plug and un-plug a firewire camcorder whilst in Import mode for iMovie to realise the iSight is there. Once it's recognised it though, you can record anything the camera can see.
Use iMovie to make some fun short films and upload them to YouTube!

If you start to get the hang of it, start your very own Video Podcast and publish it on the iTMS!

If you run out of ideas, you can start stripping in front of the camera and join one of numerous adult webcam networks! Fun!


dynamicv said:
It will sort of work with iMovie, but you need to do this wierd plug and un-plug a firewire camcorder whilst in Import mode for iMovie to realise the iSight is there. Once it's recognised it though, you can record anything the camera can see.
I don't have to do anything weird to get iMovie to see the camera.
lonepilgrim said:
I don't have to do anything weird to get iMovie to see the camera.
Maybe it's just the version I'm on. iMovie HD from iLife 05. What are you running?
irmongoose said:
Yeah, iMovie HD in iLife '06 fully supports the iSight, no tricks needed.
Oh good, a reason to upgrade, however weak :) Having already bought RapidWeaver prior to January, iWeb alone did not appeal.

Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Is it only iMovie that I can use to record video from the iSight?
Grasbak said:
I have used to send video messages - eg Happy Birthdays to friends and family who live a long way away...

I've done a little bit of this...but how have you been doing it? Have you been recording in iMovie? Do you need any tricks to keep the size manageable and the format likely to be visible?
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