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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 18, 2009
Fall can be anytime between August/September and November/December.

Any news updates from Apple itself?

Or, anyone knows or can guess why Apple delays (compared to iPhone) the OS 4.0 upgrade for iPad? Why does Apple need so much time? Please enlighten me.
Fall can be anytime between August/September and November/December.

Any news updates from Apple itself?

Or, anyone knows or can guess why Apple delays (compared to iPhone) the OS 4.0 upgrade for iPad? Why does Apple need so much time? Please enlighten me.

there are already threads on this subject. nobody knows at this point.
strictly speaking it's sometime between September 22nd and December 21st.

but likely late October for the release, barring no major setbacks.
They need to have elves go around and install front facing cameras on over 3mm iPads, it takes time.

What features are you waiting for?
The fact that the EQ finally works properly in iOS 4 is what we need the iPad release for.

People have been begging Apple for a properly working, non-distorting, EQ since the first iPod release. We finally got it.
Anyone think there's gonna be a hardware release with it?

I think that'll likely be next April. Apple usually sticks to a yearly update schedule with this sort of thing (iPhones in June/July, iPods in September, etc)
IOS4 for the iPad is not exactly the same as for the iPhone 4 (although they use the same code base), so there is extra work involved. Apple engineering is not that large, and they have had their hands full with the iPhone 4 recently.

Let's be honest, we would rather have a thoroughly tested IOS4 with as few problems as possible than something rushed out.

Although I am looking forward to multi-tasking, folders will make a big difference to me. My iPad is filling up with apps and I end up flicking between screens all the time to find them!
I'm hoping for an early September release...

That would be summer and it's not likely to come early. Fall doesn't start to about September 23ed. Unfortunately even if it's not released until 2 days before x-mas it will still be on target for a fall release.:eek:

Unless ios4 for iPad has a bunch of new features i will probably stay on 3.2. I already have folders with categoriessb and multitasking with backgrounder and pro switcher, apples implementations aren't really any better, and when it comes to multitasking are not as good. The inbox wouldbereally nice but not worth it unless a jailbreak is available so i could disable apples multitasking and use backgrounder. Or maybe they will come up with a better multitasking interface for the iPad and i will change my tune
Fall_Autumn = March~April where I am and Xmas is in the summer.

High time months were used on the international internet rather than seasons. :)
Fall_Autumn = March~April where I am and Xmas is in the summer.

High time months were used on the international internet rather than seasons. :)

Apple is the center of their own universe. Be thankful that all devices aren't locked to Cupertino Standard Time.
I am happy to wait for the update - still undecided if it is a good thing or not on my iTouch. I hate the double home key tap for some reason.

I intend on getting an iPhone 4 (if/when 3 get their stocks in) and maybe that will help me make my mind up.
I'm thinking it's going to be sometime in November to boost Christmas sales even higher than they will already be in December.
Since I got my iPhone 4 I've been fascinated at how my iPhone has re-inserted itself into my life. Between the mail app and (to a lesser but still meaningful degree) multi tasking, I LOVE working in iOS4.

So i hope Fall means sooner rather than later in the season. Best guess is around the iPT roll out...
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