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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 6, 2005
Just off the top of my head:

Clippy (C&P)
Quikgold (I've read that Spotlight fills that gap with fast app launching - I never did fast dialing, e-mailing from QG)
iLog (to delete individual texts)
*Tethering apps
Searcher (but I've read that Spotlight doesn't search e-mail body text? What's the use then?)

*We'll see how these will be implemented with later apps/AT&T support

Thoughts about these/others?
I would say the MMS apps have a bleak future, but any app can stay around if they evolve better features than the built-in apps. Of course, it may be hard to charge for some of them after 3.0 does it for free.

I never used Clippy but I use hClipboard, another copy and paste app, and hope it stays around. It saves the clipboard contents so you can repaste it later, up to ten items, plus it has another ten at the push of a certain key. It can copy, paste and save secure text as well. I have some of my login info and other often used text (home ip address, for example) saved so it's always ready to paste. I assume 3.0 doesn't work like that and it would really suck to lose that app.

Everyone says there's no need for cut and paste apps but upgrading to 3.0 would severely downgrade my cut and paste ability, so I hope the developers of JB apps don't automatically give up on things 3.0 is supposed to do.
What about BiteSMS, I love the quick-reply box that pops up no matter what app I'm using. Does 3.0 have the quick-reply feature? If so, then that may become redundant.
Just off the top of my head:

Clippy (C&P)
Quikgold (I've read that Spotlight fills that gap with fast app launching - I never did fast dialing, e-mailing from QG)
iLog (to delete individual texts)
*Tethering apps
Searcher (but I've read that Spotlight doesn't search e-mail body text? What's the use then?)

*We'll see how these will be implemented with later apps/AT&T support

Thoughts about these/others?

If you have Categories searchlight doesnt search within that, just keep that in mind before you uninstal quickgold.
What about BiteSMS, I love the quick-reply box that pops up no matter what app I'm using. Does 3.0 have the quick-reply feature? If so, then that may become redundant.

I find that Tlert to be better than Bite and could never live without it. Elert is also great.
spotlight wont search Categories?? how sure are you of this??

I've heard the same thing, so I'm inclined to believe it (user updated to 3.0 without moving apps out of categories and they didn't show up on Springboard, and Spotlight didn't find them).
I use sbsettings to hide apps and use Quickgold to access them.

FYI: if you do not un-hide your apps before updating Searchlight does not find those apps you had hidden :-\ So far I can only access 4 apps that I did not have hidden before upgrading the OS.

When I go into App Store to re-download them, it says I already have the app installed :(
What about BiteSMS, I love the quick-reply box that pops up no matter what app I'm using. Does 3.0 have the quick-reply feature? If so, then that may become redundant.

BiteSMS still makes a lot of sense for people without messaging plans.. for example there are no such plans in Spain and we get charged .15 euro for each SMS. With Bitesms I can send them for .06 each.

Plus, for international texts, we pay the same 6 cents while the cost to send it thru the operator is 60 cents, 10 times more.
I've heard the same thing, so I'm inclined to believe it (user updated to 3.0 without moving apps out of categories and they didn't show up on Springboard, and Spotlight didn't find them).

I just started using Categories, so quick question, will the App Store notify me of new updates if they are in folders?
I use sbsettings to hide apps and use Quickgold to access them.

FYI: if you do not un-hide your apps before updating Searchlight does not find those apps you had hidden :-\ So far I can only access 4 apps that I did not have hidden before upgrading the OS.

When I go into App Store to re-download them, it says I already have the app installed :(
Does the trick that you could use before- go to Settings > General > Restrictions, enable restrictions and then disable them- not work under 3.0? That's how I got mine to show up again when I had to restore my phone to a non-JB state for a while and had forgotten about unhiding the apps (and what I was planning on doing after restoring on my inbound 3GS because I was lazy and didn't want to unhide everything on my 3G :p). Hopefully it still works or I'll be in trouble too :eek:
I just started using Categories, so quick question, will the App Store notify me of new updates if they are in folders?

My iPod isn't JB so I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly confident that the App Store uses your iTunes account details and would therefore "see" all of your purchased apps.
I just started using Categories, so quick question, will the App Store notify me of new updates if they are in folders?

I did under 2.2.1. I would guess 3.0 will still work that way.

By the way, the updates come as a result of the apps stored in your applications folder, not because they are a certain place on your iPhone.

That's why you can dl app updates without the phone being plugged in.
My iPod isn't JB so I can't say for sure, but I'm fairly confident that the App Store uses your iTunes account details and would therefore "see" all of your purchased apps.
Notifications for updates in Categories will still show up, I've had mine in Categories for ages and I get all the notifications just fine. Though once the app is updated until you respring it shows up on the Springboard (in addition to, I believe, in the Category folder...); after respringing it goes back to normal.
I don't know about all the apps I don't need, but I just want SBSettings & backgrounder back.
Spotlight won't work with apps hidden in folders (categories)? UGH. I was really hoping to use less Cydia apps, as my available memory (listed by SBSettings) hovers around 14MB.
I'm not a themes guy but I do like the 5 wide springboard. I also want my SBSettings back...very productive little app.
Reminder or Status Notifier

these two are a must, especially the last one, no more private number calls bothering me! I even have it in my voicemail that if they are calling using *67, or turned on the caller ID block, their call won't even reach my phone.
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