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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
I an looking to make a few web pages for stuff I have and my church. Is there a software package available that makes nice web pages. Nothing too crazy but a nice layout and maybe some flash stuff to spice it up. I'm a relatively computer literate person and have extensive experience with PS, FCP, and DVDSP so I can figure my way around software and learn what to do.

Right now my website making knowledge consists of <b>this</b>...try and contain your amazement. Any help is appreciated (as are free donations of software....hey, it never hurts to try!)

OK so HTML is not allowed here. So much for having ANY kind of a clue what I'm doing ;)
I would recommend "Dreamweaver MX". It's pretty much the deFacto of Web Editors. It's simple enough for the beginner and powerful enough for the pro. Real sweet program.

If you need a little guidance with the software I would also recommend going to This site sells CDRom tutorials on EVERYTHING(related to design). They also offer a monthly membership that allows you access to all of those same tutorials online. It's a great way to go. I personally do that right now and it's wonderful.

HoPe this HeLps!
I highly recommend the Dreamweaver MX app as well, or maybe the updated version that just came out, though I haven't used it yet. However, if you don't want to spend that much money, I understand that Macromedia's Contribute software, though designed for updating existing web sites, offers some great tools and ways to create original websites as well. I also understand that it is substantially cheaper than Dreamweaver. Hope this helps:)
If you can hand code HTML, try out SubEthaEdit.

Its the best text editor out there (IMO, although many still love BBEdit), and allows you to preview what you are doing and how it would render in Safari.
Thanks everyone. Studio MX seems to be the ticket. Best part is we qualify for edu pricing- $189!!

I'm playing with the macromedia demo and just need to figure out why my index.html isn't working. Oh, well, I'll figure it out. One site works, the other doesn't.
your main/opening page which is usually named index.htm is usually left loose on the top level of your folder structure. It has to be this way because of the way the server file structure is set up on you're host's site. Hope this helps.

Studio MX is great, especially at EDU pricing. I've moved back to vi, bbedit, and and FTP proggie though. Fireworks for raster, Illustrator for vector, but darn it, Adobe just isn't coming through with the SVG-native version of LiveMotion, it makes me weep.

I HIGHLY recommend you spend an extra ~$50 and pick up these two books:
Sam's Teach Yourself HTML and XHTML in 24 Hours
Designing with Web Standards

A little knowledge of XHTML and good Standards-based coding will improve your pages 1000%. For instance, <b> </b> is deprecated. ;)
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BTW, any good sites other than for getting info, swapping pages designs, and posting 'how to; questions? I've searched around a bit but have not found anything very helpful.

Also, I'd be willing to but a good design. I know of one guys who did this and its a great design and was only ~$60 or so. I've got the info for this place but will look into others as well.
All you need is a good HTML source book

I recommend "The Visual Quickstart Guide: HTML", but Webpages for Dummies, or The Complete Idiots Guide to Webdesign are pretty good, and readily available at just about any book store.

Note: i saw someone mention XHTML, although i agree that it's good to learn, IMHO starting at the basics of plain HTML is alittle easier.

As far as software, if you know HTML, you can you the most powerful tool of all "SimpleText" and it's already available on your computer.

And if i'm not mistaken, if you want to add flash, your gonna have to learn how to use Flash seperatly from the acctual coding.
Originally posted by CTYankee
BTW, any good sites other than for getting info, swapping pages designs, and posting 'how to; questions? I've searched around a bit but have not found anything very helpful.

Also, I'd be willing to but a good design. I know of one guys who did this and its a great design and was only ~$60 or so. I've got the info for this place but will look into others as well.

I know of a few place that can help and that sell templates. You might know some of these but if you don't I hope they help you out.

Originally posted by revenuee
All you need is a good HTML source book

I recommend "The Visual Quickstart Guide: HTML", but Webpages for Dummies, or The Complete Idiots Guide to Webdesign are pretty good, and readily available at just about any book store.

Note: i saw someone mention XHTML, although i agree that it's good to learn, IMHO starting at the basics of plain HTML is alittle easier.

As far as software, if you know HTML, you can you the most powerful tool of all "SimpleText" and it's already available on your computer.

And if i'm not mistaken, if you want to add flash, your gonna have to learn how to use Flash seperatly from the acctual coding.

I'm sure those books are great but some people excel in different learning methods. I personally just use books as reference, not as my main teaching method. I personally love video tutorials but most of my learning has come with just diving into a project and dealing with the problems as I run into them. Just my opine.

Originally posted by eclipse525
I'm sure those books are great but some people excel in different learning methods. I personally just use books as reference, not as my main teaching method. I personally love video tutorials but most of my learning has come with just diving into a project and dealing with the problems as I run into them. Just my opine.


I couldn't agree with you more.

But you yourself say that inorder to solve a problem, it's good to have a point of reference. I suggested those books because they are writen for the begginer and are very friendly to use; they include pictures, extra notes, and a great index incase their is something specific you are looking for. I cannot deny that the web is a great source, but personally i like having a printed version ready for me to glance at, rather then shuffling through windows on my monitor.

With that said, my intention was to suggest that CTYankee takes the time to learn how to code before he take the easy way out of using software. Those books also cover layout fundimentals that are essential for a good web design. Anyone can snag a layout of the net, but thats not webdesign.
Originally posted by revenuee
I couldn't agree with you more.

But you yourself say that inorder to solve a problem, it's good to have a point of reference. I suggested those books because they are writen for the begginer and are very friendly to use; they include pictures, extra notes, and a great index incase their is something specific you are looking for. I cannot deny that the web is a great source, but personally i like having a printed version ready for me to glance at, rather then shuffling through windows on my monitor.

With that said, my intention was to suggest that CTYankee takes the time to learn how to code before he take the easy way out of using software. Those books also cover layout fundimentals that are essential for a good web design. Anyone can snag a layout of the net, but thats not webdesign.

Good point! I agree with you 100%. Considering that XHTML and CSS is going to be standardized. I think? Then it's a must to know the fundamentals and be able to trouble shoot simple things via Source. That was my mistake, when I did my first webpage. I bought "HotMetal Pro"(hey, Dreamweaver was BETA at the time) and did it that way but I had to back track and get some basic HTML under my belt. Now there is so much to know that I can see it being difficult for someone just getting started. Then again, Editors have come a long way and it might not be nesscessary for some people to even know a lick of HTML, unless it's gonna be your career.

Originally posted by revenuee
With that said, my intention was to suggest that CTYankee takes the time to learn how to code before he take the easy way out of using software. ... Anyone can snag a layout of the net, but thats not webdesign.

But you don't understand...I WANT the easy way out ;)

The point to these websites is not for me to show off my web design skill, but to have a nice page to get the content up there. I'd much rather pay a few bucks or just use a generic page from Macromedia (or maybe the new .Mac ones offered) than spend hours working on the format. I know this may be 'Busch League' to you guys, but I'm doing this in my free time and I already have too much on my plate.
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