I was wondering if anyone has come across this situation on the iPhone 8 Plus. If I go to reboot the phone the come comes back up and it shows the screen for where it asks for the passcode. When I let the screen go off by itself or lock it manually and then turn the display back on the bottom half of the screen flashes white from about the middle of screen down. Has anyone come across this issue with there phones or has seen it at least. It does it every time the phone gets rebooted. Also another question does anybody else that has either an iPhone 8 or 8 Plus do you notice or does your device feel laggy when moving between apps opening apps there is a flicker when operating the phone normally. It just doesn't feel smooth to me at all. Is this just that it is a new iOS release or is this an issue that I should have it looked at. Operating the phone feels very glitchy and laggy (if that is a word).
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks