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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I sold my 2g iPhone on ebay and when it left it was jailbroken and unlocked using pwange. The other party got the phone and put her tmobile sim card in it and now it says sim card not supported. What can they do to get it working.
I sold my 2g iPhone on ebay and when it left it was jailbroken and unlocked using pwange. The other party got the phone and put her tmobile sim card in it and now it says sim card not supported. What can they do to get it working.

Possibly upload the pwnage custom restore ipsw file online and allow them to download it and tell them to restore it with the file.
Send her a pwned 2.1 file and make sure that bootneuter is enabled and have it unlock the phone. If you jailbroke it too, then she should be able to just download bootneuter with Cydia.
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