Ok sold the 2G last night on ebay to fund buying a 3GS, looking forward to getting my hands on one.
Obviously i dont want any of my info left on the phone. The phone is sold as being unlocked and jailbroken running 3.0, i have currently done this using redSn0W.
Should i just restore using the tutorial on iclarify for RedSn0w? Will this wipe eveyrthing? Also when it come to the screen:
Do you want to restore Damien Oxlee's iphone or new phone, do i just ignore this and then the new owner can do it. In other words if i do will it work fine for the new owner when put into itunes or should i set up as new phone?
Or is this the best way to get rid of everything:
Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings
I will then use RedSn0w
And does this do anything that the above doesnt
Obviously i dont want any of my info left on the phone. The phone is sold as being unlocked and jailbroken running 3.0, i have currently done this using redSn0W.
Should i just restore using the tutorial on iclarify for RedSn0w? Will this wipe eveyrthing? Also when it come to the screen:
Do you want to restore Damien Oxlee's iphone or new phone, do i just ignore this and then the new owner can do it. In other words if i do will it work fine for the new owner when put into itunes or should i set up as new phone?
Or is this the best way to get rid of everything:
Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings
I will then use RedSn0w
And does this do anything that the above doesnt