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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
I know we live in a day where everyone thinks phones will replace everything but this is not true. I have found some major advantages of my P&S vs my iPhone 13.

1. 40X zoom
2. Better battery life because the P&S only does photography.
3. Overheating is rare. A iPhone overheats allot in the hot sun and is also not as viewable as my Powershot in direct sunlight which is one major reason why most of my photography is done with Powershot.

For these reasons alone I prefer a P&S. Yeah 99% of everyone is using a phone and so far on my trip only spotted so far 3 that were not using phones for their photography.
My photo stats for the weekend.

100 shots taken on Powershot
32 Videos taken on Canon Camcorder (Vixia)
22 shots taken on iPhone
While most people use a phone, more people use ILCs than p&s cameras. If you are serious about photography, you’ll find a way to afford a big camera, even if it means buying used. And you’ll learn to shoot raw and edit.
I honestly could care less. But… I will view my 100 shots taken on Mr. Powershot for my weekend trip to SFO on my big TV screen using HDMI cable. If the quality is bad it’s because I shot at 10MP when I should have shot at 20MP.
Moderation Note

Please continue any discussion of the relative merits of P&S vs phone cameras in one of the existing threads on the topic.

Here are a few similar or identical threads:

Nov 9 2021

Jun 21 2021

Jun 13 2021

The first two were found by searching for the keyword shoot, with the search restricted to this forum (Digital Photography), and searching only titles.
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