Yeah, the border has got to go. It's very distracting.
Image by image...
1 - Great pic. I really like the perspective. Only thing that I don't like is the window burnout. Bring back some detail here if possible even it means doing a selective HDR.
2 - Very nice. Great use of light. Really has me wondering what's she thinking about.
3 - Again, the windows really pull me away from the subject of the shot. The cut off heads in the foreground are distracting as well. The framing of the shot doesn't feel right either. This is a good snapshot but as a photograph, it doesn't really do it for me.
4 - Great shot. Good light, color balance, composition, etc. Only nit pic would be a touch of perspective. Not anything that you can do much about when taking the shot but some PP could clean that up a touch.
5 - I like everything about this photograph, except the little boy in the background. He's distracting and my eye looks to him to see what else is going on. That's a shame because the shot of the girl is so good. Perhaps a vertical orientation and/or additional background blur would make this one really stand out?
6 - Fantastic shot. I really like the angle on this one too. I can see this being a print that the groom would keep on his office.
7 - Another great shot. Really love the use of shadows. This was a great candidate for B&W but I'd still love to see it in color.
8 - Can you shift it one inch to left (to get her whole dress and eliminate some background on the right)? Either way, it's a great shot. Shots like this are tough to grab in the dark.
That's about all I have for C&C. I'm not a photographer and don't pretend to be either so, as always, take these comments with a grain of salt. On the whole, very nice images. Impressive considering that sub-par equipment (Nikon) that you used (sorry, couldn't resist
