Hi there,
I've just signed up for the 60 day .Mac trial. With Panther just installed I have been intrigued to investigate iChat AV but everyone I know uses PCs and MSN Messenger.
I use MSN here on my mac but any word on a better version than 3.5 coming out? It keeps cutting out every 10-15 mins on my network which is really annoying as well.
iChat AV is compatible with AOL. However, before I try to persuade everyone to sign up for AOL Messenger as well as MSN, does the audio chatting (I have no camera) work with AOL members? Also, what are the chances of iChat AV coming to Windows? MacWorld SF in Jan?
Man, I've got to work on my parents getting a Mac at home...
I've just signed up for the 60 day .Mac trial. With Panther just installed I have been intrigued to investigate iChat AV but everyone I know uses PCs and MSN Messenger.
I use MSN here on my mac but any word on a better version than 3.5 coming out? It keeps cutting out every 10-15 mins on my network which is really annoying as well.
iChat AV is compatible with AOL. However, before I try to persuade everyone to sign up for AOL Messenger as well as MSN, does the audio chatting (I have no camera) work with AOL members? Also, what are the chances of iChat AV coming to Windows? MacWorld SF in Jan?
Man, I've got to work on my parents getting a Mac at home...