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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2007
I get an error message every time I sync my Apple TV to iTunes. Two podcasts I purchased on iTunes "...can't be transferred to Apple TV because they can't be found..."

I trashed these two files over a year ago because I no longer wanted them. However, I want to delete these two files in the library directory but I can not find them anywhere in my iTunes library. How do I delete them if they no longer exist? I do not want to see this error message every time a do a sync.
If you "trashed" the files over a year ago then you wont find them on your hard drive because there not there any more:confused:

Go in to the podcast section of your library in iTunes and see if their still listed there, if they are just select them and delete them. It sounds like you deleted the files but forgot to remove them from the itunes library.
Not on hard drive

If you "trashed" the files over a year ago then you wont find them on your hard drive because there not there any more:confused:

Go in to the podcast section of your library in iTunes and see if their still listed there, if they are just select them and delete them. It sounds like you deleted the files but forgot to remove them from the itunes library.

Not in iTunes podcast library or anywhere else on my hard drive. I have done Spotlight and Finder searches for visible and invisible files. They no longer exist. How do I delete them from the iTunes "directory"?
I have done Spotlight and Finder searches for visible and invisible files.
No you wont find them, you've already said you've deleted them from your hard drive, but just because you've deleted them from your hard drive dosn't mean they've been removed from the iTunes library database. Which is why iTunes is trying to sync them to the ATV even through the actual file no longer exists.

If iTunes is still trying to sync them to your ATV then they must still be in the library (not the folder on your hard drive but the actual library you view when you open iTunes). Just open iTunes goto the podcast section and see if there still there. If not then something is screwed up with your iTunes library.
Sorry can't help then:(

Depending on how much/if any content you have synced to your AppleTV you coud try a factory restore. Failing that, if it were mine I would delete the entire iTunes library and then re-add everything.
How to remove listed Apple TV programs.

Ihad this problem and figured out how to fix it. Close iTunes. Go to users in your main directory -> bruceschweitzer (select your folder with your name on it) -> Music -> iTunes folder :: then drag the following files to your desktop:

iTunes Library
iTunes Library Extras
iTunes Library Genius
iTunes Music Library

You may not have all of these - "iTunes Library" is the most important.

You do this even if you have your library on an external drive. If you have an external drive- leave it alone.

Restart your computer - open iTunes - open iTunes preferences and setup the way you want it - especially if your iTunes Library is not in its usual plae.

iTunes will take up to 10 minutes to make new libraries - don't stop it!

You should now have listings of only the files you actually have.

I am assuming you are using a Mac - if using a PC - consult someone who know about them - I don't.

If you do this - and sync to your apple TV - its going to take days. However, you will still have access to your library through streaming.

I hope this helps!

Bruce Schweitzer
Alpine, WY
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