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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 20, 2005
New York (not NYC)
For my economics class at college, I have to write a short paper on an interesting behavior that can be explained economically, such as why a gas station across the street from another charges 10 cents more. I decided I'd like to write mine on a behavior that Apple has exhibited, but I'm at a loss... any ideas? One thing that they've done that I can think of it to not implement FM radio usability in iPods for years, a seemingly simple task... but that's a really weak topic I feel. Any suggestions on an interesting decision Apple has made I can write about?
What about years ago when they sent that young girl a letter stating that they don't take input/ideas from non-employees? Did that happen or am I making this up?
I have to write a short paper on an interesting behavior that can be explained economically,

It seems like most everything that Apple does, has an economic explanation behind it. A big example is requiring an iTunes account to activate all their iOS devices. Competing devices don't require having a host computer and your credit info to operate.

Apple also often spins their actions as being "for our own good". Such as only allowing one app store (their own) from which they take a cut. Or not allowing 3G access from data-heavy apps... which is for their partner's economic good.
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