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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Some of you might remember me posting about how I got an internship this summer working for Aflac's in-house photo department at their world headquarters in Columbus, Georgia.
I had a great time working there, and really feel like I learned a lot; shooting subjects I found boring forced me to work harder to make them stand out a bit more. I got a few assignments here and there that were genuinely interesting, though, and I'll post some of my better shots from the summer in this thread.

I'm finishing up my last week there, so there's a lot to do before Friday at 5, but I'll start off with some photos I took today.
The shoot was for Aflac's IT team's annual report. They've been rated high in many magazines, making several "top 100 IT teams to work for" lists in the last several years, so it's kind of a big deal. They recently got "top" IT team in the U.S. in one publication (sorry, it's slipped my mind).
Anyway, a friend I made in their department (a fellow intern) showed some of my work to someone who mattered, and long story short, I got a meeting with them last month to discuss some shots they'd like for their annual report.
I'm still learning artificial lighting (teaching myself through and trial and error), and I'll be taking a studio lighting course when I return to SCAD in the fall. My goal for the summer was to use these assignments as a learning opportunity, and I feel like I've definitely improved.

Today I finally got access to Aflac's data center. Two "airlock" style doors (one door opens, you step into a cylinder, another opens to the other side) with weight sensors and cameras everywhere, and tons of red tape took two weeks to get through.
The place was really cool. They have a huge like.. "command center" with a gigantic array of flat panel displays for monitoring all of their servers and systems and clocks for all of their external sites around the US and the world (Tokyo, and Tel Aviv were a couple I remember seeing). Anyway, that room at two glass walls with rows and rows of servers behind each. It was a really, really cool place.

So here are a few of the shots I liked. A couple are just kind of bland, but I was proud of the clean lighting, since I'm trying to teach myself, remember?

(I'll post Strobist info where applicable)

Strobist: SB-24 in the background, beside figure on his left, shot through a white umbrella and gelled blue; 580EXII through gridded snoot and gelled green to immediate camera left, aimed at his face. White balanced for fluorescent, and shutter dragged to allow ambient to fill in the servers up front and for the LEDs to show up.

Strobist: SB-24 to camera left, shot through a white umbrella and gelled orange; 580EXII through gridded snoot to camera left, aimed at the back of figure's head.

Strobist: SB-24 to camera right and overhead, shot through a white umbrella and aimed down 45° to subject; 580EXII through gridded snoot to camera left, aimed at the side of figure's head.

Strobist: 580EXII gelled green and shot through open panel in the top of the server rack (should have diffused it with some copier paper or something); SB-24 to camera left and back, gelled blue. White balanced slightly warmer than fluorescent.

Strobist: 580EXII with gridded snoot gelled orange to subject's right, SB-24 gelled blue shot through white umbrella to subject's left. White balanced for fluorescent.

Strobist: SB-24 through white umbrella to camera right; 580EXII through gridded snoot and gelled blue to camera left.

more assignments later


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2006
Greenville, SC
These are nice. Creative lighting (as it goes with colored flashes and such) was always something I wanted to do in school, and just didn't have the time for more photo classes. Keep it up, I like.


macrumors 65816
Jan 15, 2008
Glad to know there's another SL 580EX II user here! Possibly one of the best flashes I have, other than my studio equipment. And the lighting in your photos attest to that. Great shots!


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Glad to know there's another SL 580EX II user here! Possibly one of the best flashes I have, other than my studio equipment. And the lighting in your photos attest to that. Great shots!

Thanks everyone!

And yeah, I love the 580EXII. If I could afford it, I'd have three of them!


macrumors 68040
Jan 15, 2003
51st State of America
Are you going to turn this into an article?

I like the posed shots, I like them all though the second one is a bit dark. Some editing needs to be done on it and why did you shoot from behind anyway in that one?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
i like the last pic, the color from the cables give the picture a bit of a pop, i mean we aren't talking the most exciting pictures by way of content so to speak, but the color cables do add quite a bit. Even a small amount of bright colors can do wonders.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
Well, I could definitely see some of these shots, or ones like them, appearing in a magazine (popsci?). I'd say you'll have no problem getting a pro job. Great work!


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 1, 2005
Are you going to turn this into an article?

I like the posed shots, I like them all though the second one is a bit dark. Some editing needs to be done on it and why did you shoot from behind anyway in that one?
These will be part of Aflac's IT team's annual report, so yes, they'll be in an article.
I do wish I could have gone more frontal in the second shot, but the director wanted all the flat panels to be in the shot, so yeah. And the guy had to be on the phone and it wasn't supposed to look too posed. I agree it is a bit dark, but the director liked it. ;)
i like the last pic, the color from the cables give the picture a bit of a pop, i mean we aren't talking the most exciting pictures by way of content so to speak, but the color cables do add quite a bit. Even a small amount of bright colors can do wonders.
Thanks! My thoughts exactly (about adding color).
Well, I could definitely see some of these shots, or ones like them, appearing in a magazine (popsci?). I'd say you'll have no problem getting a pro job. Great work!
Thank you! :)
Awesome shots, I like the style, which does have a "corporate" feel to it...

(Not to mention, all those servers and such... Neat!)

Great lighting. Very nice work.
Yeah, they had a lot of really cool stuff there. The server rooms were both very loud from all the exhaust fans going. They even had AC running through the floors!



macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2005
Those shots make IT appealing to me imagine a server room with the ominous glow of green LED's off the hardware.

'Well done!
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