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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 27, 2008
London, UK
Some little chavs have stolen my iPhone. It is jailbroken but set so that it needs a pincode when you unlock. I have called o2 and they have advised that they have blocked the sim and the phone.
Now the phone is blocked will anyone be able to access the messages / emails etc that are stored on the phone by plugging it into a computer?

They can block the phone or just the sim card? But I'm assuming that they will have access to stuff since you can hook it up and launch CyberDuck to retrieve/copy files.

Not exactly sure what files those are.
You can only use cyberduck and similar if you have installed open ssh. Otherwise, someone can use iPhone browser via windows without anything installed on the phone side. In other words your a bit out of luck. If the person wants and, of course knows what they are doing, they can access anything and everything on the phone. Your best luck would be if you set the 10 wrong attempts at the pass code to wide data.
Dude, find it yourself. Urbandictionary or google are your friends. Asking for racial/ethnic slur definitions and background isn't.

As for me suggesting Cyberduck, I was assuming SSH was installed with Cydia?
listen. someone with an extreme affinity for computers, or iPhones can get whatever they want from your phone.

i'm pretty sure whoever stole it didn't steal it for your e-mails. you could go on your computer and delete them. sometimes for me if i delete them on the iPhone - it deletes them from the actual server, or vice versa so you may have some luck that way...

or you could just keep an eye on whatever information you had on there. unless your a mercenary or something i don't think you have anything to worry about. if you have credit card #'s you can keep an eye out for suspicious spending and if worst comes to worst... canceling it.

just keep an eye out.
They will pobably not know what Jailbreaking is (if they're anything like the ones from around here). They wont SSH. They'll probably just sell it for some quick cash. After prank calling all of your contacts :p

Just report it, and your carrier should at least be able to block the SIM.
Its has nothing to do with ethnicity. Its like me saying "some little punks stole my phone"

Yep. Its mainly used as a term for kids who go around in hoodies/sports wear.

But anyway, let's not get off-topic! :D

Bottom line is that they're just going to sell it, I doubt they'll be interested in your emails.
wish that i had set it to erase after 10 wrong pin code attempts, but too late now!!
Sorry, Chav, think its more a London thing! Just means hoodie/young thugs not discriminating against any particular culture!!
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