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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 16, 2007
Central FL Area
okay, here's the deal. I have a 15" MacBook Pro (specs in sig) that I bought a couple of months ago that I like to use everyday. however, I've realized that I've only taken the laptop out of my house a whole three times since ownership.

now, the new 3GHz iMacs with the 8800 GT video cards has caught my eye in a big way. so here I am debating on whether I should sell my MBP which should easily fetch $2K and use the money towards buying a new 3GHz iMac.

so I ask the people in this section of the forum to help me weigh the pros and cons about this idea. do you guys (and gals) think I'd be doing the smart thing or do you think I'd be making a big mistake?
I've realized that I've only taken the laptop out of my house a whole three times since ownership.

Get the iMac. Especially if the 8800 caught your eye, then you need it. Also the above quote. ;)

If you need mobility, get a old cheap MacBook/iBook. (You remember the PPC iBooks right?)
I've always preferred a portable over a desktop just because of the option of taking it where I want no matter how many times or how few times I actually do that.

But, I've said before, if you have to be convinced to do something, it probably isn't the right decision for you.

Don't let someone else's preferences make your decision for you. If you are using your MBP as a desktop replacement, then go for it, if you still want the option of portability, be happy with your amazing machine.
Go for the iMac unless of course you think you will want the portability of the MBP down the line.
They're both very powerful machines. Unless you're already pushing the macbook pro to its limits, there's no reason to swap computers. And right after you give up the laptop, you might regret not being able to haul your computer around. It's one of those things that you don't value until it's gone.
They're both very powerful machines. Unless you're already pushing the macbook pro to its limits, there's no reason to swap computers. And right after you give up the laptop, you might regret not being able to haul your computer around. It's one of those things that you don't value until it's gone.

I agree with akonradi. The portability thing is a huge issue, a major difference in the two machines. Just the fact that you can move around with your MBP is a big point. If you really don't think you'll mind, then sell it. But make sure you've sold it first before you buy the iMac. :)
I've got both a MacBook and iMac, and if I could do it all over again I would skip over the iMac and have gotten the MacBook. The portability is great, and there is little if no speed difference between the two. There might come a day when you want the portability, and it's worth having the MacBook Pro just in case you do need it.
Go for the iMac unless of course you think you will want the portability of the MBP down the line.

see, that's the thing. I hardly ever find myself needing to bring my MBP with me simply because I work with computers all day so I obviously don't need another one by my side.

also, I like the idea of having a better video card because I like to play some games on the PC side like Crysis and Half Life 2. HL2 runs very well on my laptop but Crysis is barely playable. this is where having the extra 500MHz in CPU power and having the better video card would more than likely help out.

and to add to that, I've also been wanting to buy a 24" Dell to use with my MBP. not having to buy this would also be a big plus for the iMac.
I think you should keep the mbp because even though you only took it out of the house "3" times.. you still took it out of the house!!

Once the mbp (portability is gone) you will be glued to the desk all the time and you will start to miss that portability... also its not only taking it out of the house with you.. its taking it around the house/apartment with you on your bed, couch, table, etc..
Get the iMac and keep your MBP. :D

What do you do with your MBP? If you do audio/video, beware (unless they changed it) as the iMac and Macbook (and for a brief period, the MBP), all use NON Texas Instrument Firewire (PC INDUSTRY STANDARD) firewire from another company which many audio users and some pro and consumers with DIGI CAM CORDERS have had known issues.

Not sure why Apple would dump the TI for their mid range/higher end laptops to save a few pennies.

Nonetheless, my advice? Keep the Macbook Pro, wait a while, then you will be able to get a 30" glossy screen (with iSight), firewire, and a MAC PRO which will blow away the iMac not to mention what happens once the new chips come out and then some, including the 16 core.

I just came home with my new 24" 3GHz iMac. so far it's looking like it's going to be a keeper.

why do I say that? well, for one, this 3GHz processor feels quite a bit snappier than what my 2.5GHz does in my MBP. Yes, I do know there's a 500MHz difference in speed, but sometimes one doesn't notice a big difference but I certainly do.

the second thing I'm liking already is the fact that I had forgotten how nice the iMac screens really are. It's been a while since I've been w/o my 24" screen and now I'm starting to remember how nice it is to have all this extra desktop space.
*Edit: ^^^lol you were faster and you already got it. Gratz!

I've got both a MacBook and iMac, and if I could do it all over again I would skip over the iMac and have gotten the MacBook. The portability is great, and there is little if no speed difference between the two. There might come a day when you want the portability, and it's worth having the MacBook Pro just in case you do need it.

All you have to do is read a few topics about new iMacs specs.
The difference is significant.

To the OP. I'm not gonna be different than the majority here.
Seems that mobility isn't a factor for you... You just answered your own question :)

Now run and get the iMac!:D
okay, here's the deal. I have a 15" MacBook Pro (specs in sig) that I bought a couple of months ago that I like to use everyday. however, I've realized that I've only taken the laptop out of my house a whole three times since ownership.

now, the new 3GHz iMacs with the 8800 GT video cards has caught my eye in a big way. so here I am debating on whether I should sell my MBP which should easily fetch $2K and use the money towards buying a new 3GHz iMac.

so I ask the people in this section of the forum to help me weigh the pros and cons about this idea. do you guys (and gals) think I'd be doing the smart thing or do you think I'd be making a big mistake?
I'll buy it.
How much?
I'll buy it.
How much?

if and when I do sell my MBP, it'll probably go for $2K on Craigslist. the laptop is only a couple months old and it literally looks, runs and feels like it's brand new. I know it probably won't last that long on Craigslist after it's listed.

I don't want to be in a big hurry to advertise it just yet. I want to be 100% sure that I'll be keeping the iMac.
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