Mac OS X Install DVD:System:Library:Fonts (you can drag those to System:Library:Fonts on your own drive)
Also you can run Mac OS X Install DVD:System:Installation
I hope that's enough to replace what you need!
EDIT: Okay, I found where the rest of them are hiding.
In that System:Installation
ackages folder on the DVD, you'll also find Essentials.pkg. You may not want to run and install the whole package, because it's got, like, everything in it.
If you would like to retrieve only the fonts (I'm assuming Tiger here), here's what you could do:
- Somewhere convenient (say, inside your Documents folder) create a folder that we'll call "arrgh" because it seems appropriate.
- Control-click (or right-click) Essentials.pkg and pick "Show package contents"
- Go into the Contents folder you see there, and drag Archive.pax.gz to the arrgh folder you created above.
- Double-click on that copy of Archive.pax.gz and Tiger will expand it out to its component files (this will be more painful if you have an older OS X, I hope this is Tiger).
- Go get some coffee or something, this will take a while.
- You should now have a shiny new Archive folder, and inside there you will find Library:Fonts with a whole bunch of stuff you've been hoping to find. Drag the fonts to your own System:Library:Fonts
- It would be a good idea to repair permissions from Disk Utility now, because you just reinstalled stuff by hand that OS X would normally be handling.
- Oh yeah, you can delete that arrgh folder now, it's big.