Originally posted by flyfish29
Ok, so I did this as I am curious how much memory all my programs are using but I can't make sense of all the numbers and stuff. How do I tell how many megs of ram each program is using?
from the terminal's manual on top (in terminal type: man top)
The first several lines of the top display show various global
state. All of the information is labeled. Following is an al-
phabetical list of global state fields and their descriptions.
CPU Percentage of processor usage, broken into user, system,
and idle components. The time period for which these per-
centages are calculated depends on the event counting mode.
Disks Number and total size of disk reads and writes.
LoadAvg Load average over 1, 5, and 15 minutes. The load average
is the average number of jobs in the run queue.
MemRegions Number and total size of memory regions, and total size of
memory regions broken into private (broken into non-library
and library) and shared components.
Networks Number and total size of input and output network packets.
PhysMem Physical memory usage, broken into wired, active, inactive,
used, and free components.
Procs Total number of processes and number of processes in each
process state.
SharedLibs Number of shared libraries, resident sizes of code and datasegments, and link editor memory usage.
Threads Number of threads.
Time Time, in YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS format. When running in accu-
mulative event counting mode, the time since top started is
printed in parentheses in H:MM:SS format.
VirtMem Total virtual memory, virtual memory consumed by shared li-
braries, and number of pageins and pageouts.
Below the global state fields, a list of processes is displayed. The
fields that are displayed depend on the options that are set. Follow-
ing is an alphabetical list of fields and their descriptions.
BSYSCALL Number of BSD system calls made.
COMMAND Command name.
COW_FAULTS Number of faults that caused a page to be copied.
%CPU Percentage of processor time consumed (kernel and user).
CSWITCH Number of context switches.
FAULTS Number of faults.
MSYSCALL Number of Mach system calls made.
REG Number of memory regions.
MSGS_RCVD Number of Mach messages received.
MSGS_SENT Number of Mach messages sent.
PAGEINS Number of requests for pages from a pager.
PID Process ID.
PRT(delta) Number of Mach ports.
RPRVT(delta) Resident private memory size.
RSHRD(delta) Resident shared memory size.
RSIZE(delta) Total resident memory size, including shared pages.
TH Number of threads.
TIME Absolute processor time consumed.
UID User ID of process owner.
USERNAME Username of process owner.
VPRVT(delta) Private address space size.
VSIZE(delta) Total address space allocated, including shared pages.