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sou1 so1di3r

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 26, 2008
Denver, CO
Ok so I have had my iPhone 3GS since the day it came out. First iPhone I have ever had. I love it... and have taken super care of it. I didn't get a case because I always take super good care of my stuff.

Well the other night I was at a friends house sitting on his pool deck in a chair that rocks back and forth and the phone slipped out of my pocket onto the stone/rock floor. It bounced and landed screen up. It got some nicks on the corner and the back... and I freaked out and just ordered a case online.

But, I noticed this little speck appear UNDER the screen. I can't be for sure but I am think it has also moved UP more since the incident on thursday night.

Is there anyway to get that thing out of there? It is SO annoying

You can see it right near where it says SAFARI on this first image

edit: sorry the images are huge, ill just make them links
Seriously, I think your pic is annoying! :) Can you size it down, since it's so large you have to scroll around to see the thing. How did you get such a big pic on here to begin with?

Edit: Okay you fixed it or I was seeing it before you were finished.

Edit: Okay, I need my TheSpaz meter. Where is the speck? You might want to circle it, if you have photoshop or some other software.

I just held it and dropped in from about 6 inches up on my desk vertically a few times and the thing fell to the bottom of the screen.

It is still stuck inside though!
here. This should help you find it, then look at the first picture for the close-up

The speck is now GONE.

I held my phone not even six inches in the air and just bounced it a few times like this on my desk. And it moved and little bit, then a little more... and then.. gone.. I think it just fell out through the dock port??

There is a super tiny speck still at the very very bottom that there is no way I can get a picture of, but this one won't move.

I guess dirt can go in through the dock connector and get stuck under the screen. That's scary. :eek:

But at least for know it looks pretty good and less noticeable.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Yes, there are a slew, loads, many :) threads about the dust under the screen on here. Try doing a search for "dust screen," and I think that'll bring them up. No one is exactly sure where it comes from. Some have said the dock port. Some had it when they got the iPhone right out of the box. Glad you got it fixed.
Dust. Every phone/iPod/device of any type with a screen that you carry in your pocket will get em.

Its annoying but nothing much you can do. You should see my nano and my old phone :eek:
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