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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 12, 2009
I read somewhere on this site that someone else had this happen to them, but now i can not find the posting. I have not had this happen on my MacBook YET, but on my older iMac, it once told me to "simmer down" when I was typing really fast! I thought I was hearing things, until it said it again a few days later, lol! Kind of freaky, yet cool. And just this week, a friend of mine who is a freelance graphic artist was busily working at home on her Mac when she said it suddenly made a sighing sound?! I'm just curious if anyone else has ever had this happen to them? I have been googling and searching online all morning to see if I could find any info on this.
Someone installed a little script that runs in the background.

Something similar to Conan the Librarian. When the microphone picks up a certain level of sound, the computer yells at you to shut up in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice in increasingly fervent tones.

Ask the people who have had access to your computer what they have done to it and if they would please remove said script.
I am the only one who has access to my at-home iMac, and I never knowingly enabled any applications to make it speak to me. It happened a few years ago, and has not happened since. And in my friend's case, she to is at home working and the only one with access to her brand new Mac.
Wow, that is certainly strange.

By the thread title, I was expecting you to be referring to the Voice Over option. You know, when your Mac speaks alerts or tells you the time.

Weird. Maybe you downloaded something by accident.
I agree with the first response . . . you're being "punked" by someone that installed a script. It's a classic prank to pull on unsuspecting users. the most common being having the "voice" tell you "Hey, Slow Down" when it detects a threshold keyboard speed.
You should be lucky it doesn't start reciting the whole of War and Peace.. or 99 Green bottles...
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