I dunno, it’s nothing against the brand’s capabilities, but more about Sony cutting a deal for the exclusivity. It’s like all those PC commercials that end with the “Intel Inside” jingle. Intel helped pay for that PC maker’s commercial and airtime in exchange. PC maker gets to advertise for less, and they just have play up Intel when they do it. Whether Intel actually is the best, or even if they are that OEM’s preferred CPU provider, is irrelevant—the goal is to make the 2 companies connected in the consumer’s mind, where you can’t have one without the other.
Back lo these many, many moons ago in my Windows days when I was still buying machines with that OS, one of the first things I'd do when getting the machine home was to peel off that stupid "Intel Inside" sticker. Do they still put that on Windows machines even today? Ugh! One of the things I immediately appreciated about my first Mac back in 2005 was that it didn't have a bunch of "trial" software in it and crappy junk software that I'd have to immediately delete -- everything that Apple bundled with their machines was actually USEFUL.
Since I don't watch much TV I was unaware that there is also an "Intel Inside" jingle. Huh..... Bet I haven't missed much!
I agree that of course Sony, a large corporation, is very skilled at handling marketing and promotions for their various products, which include everything from cameras and lenses to actual full-length motion pictures and music production.... Of course it doesn't necessarily make their product(s) "the best," but they definitely have been making it a point to create quality products. In addition, they undoubtedly have been careful about hiring people who are very, very good at getting those items out front-and-center so that people are aware of them.
This works especially well in a world where a large percentage of households in the US and other countries watch a lot of television..... Some homes have one or more TVs blaring away all day and all evening long whether or not anyone is actually watching. For Sony or any other company, putting together a good advertising campaign and producing good commercials for broadcast and getting them on various networks is undoubtedly not cheap but in the end the hope and expectation is that this will pay off handsomely with consumers being attracted to the product and purchasing it. Not only is it effective if indeed consumers who have seen the advert(s) do rush out to buy that product, but also if they talk about it around the water cooler and in the break room at work (well, did back in the days when everyone was actually at work in the office), show it off online and in person to their family, friends and neighbors as well. Word-of-mouth is another effective marketing tool.
The first step is to attract the potential customer's attention. The next step is for him or her to actually try out the product and see if it is something which works for them, fits into their lifestyle, their needs, their budget.... And then when it does, word-of-mouth enthusiastic comments from actual users spreads, too, and sales increase, notice from others increases, and so on....