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I've had a W810i for a week and I love it.

The W810i can do the following things that the K750/W800 can not
1. Use Edge Data.
2. Has quad bands, 850/900/1800/1900 .... the W800 does not have 850 and that matters a lot if you're using cingular.
3. Its more or less this year's model vs. last years. If that matters to you at all.
4. I thought the W810 looks better.

If you had a w800 ... I wouldn't upgrade to the w810i. But I like my w810i quite a bit after using it.

head on over to ... they know way more about cell phones than me!
Kwyjibo said:
I've had a W810i for a week and I love it.

The W810i can do the following things that the K750/W800 can not
1. Use Edge Data.
2. Has quad bands, 850/900/1800/1900 .... the W800 does not have 850 and that matters a lot if you're using cingular.
3. Its more or less this year's model vs. last years. If that matters to you at all.
4. I thought the W810 looks better.

If you had a w800 ... I wouldn't upgrade to the w810i. But I like my w810i quite a bit after using it.

head on over to ... they know way more about cell phones than me!

And, unfortunately, I am using Cinuglar. Thanks :)
Don't forget the W810i has a D-pad rather than a joystick, if I am not mistaken.

The joysticks usually crap out after a period of time, mine have. (T610, K750, right now my W800 is fine, but we will see)
yg17 said:
And, unfortunately, I am using Cinuglar. Thanks :)

Its a really good phone, if you get it I think you're really going to love it. I'm kind of tempted to wait for a 4GB Duo mini and just not replace my ipod if it ever breaks ...
W810i is the best phone right now for the money for all it does.

Sony Ericsson phones + Apple = Bluetooth Heaven.
I'm probably going to get the w810i, as my V551 is showing more signs of being a piece of crap by turning itself off on its own (full battery).

Will the 810i work fine with T-Mobile? I'm switching to them the instant my Cingular contract is up in December.
yg17 said:
I'm probably going to get the w810i, as my V551 is showing more signs of being a piece of crap by turning itself off on its own (full battery).

Will the 810i work fine with T-Mobile? I'm switching to them the instant my Cingular contract is up in December.

It is a Quad Band GSM phone. It will work on any GSM carrier in the world.
Abstract said:
I hear the "real world" battery life on the K750i is incredible......better than the W800's and W810's.

Otherwise, the W810's look stunning.

I find the battery life about the same, maybe a tad bit longer on the K750.

As for the rest of you, I don't know.. I personally don't like the design of the W810. The W800/D750 looks far better. I just hate the new keypad.


Then again, I hated the K750 design until I owned one.
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