Great phone!
I was just considering buying a Nokia 6103, or a SE z520, when they finally released the z530i here in my country. It lacks the external color display of the z520, but then again, I didn't find its quality so great; I thought "I can live with that", and grabbed the 530 exactly one week ago.
I have no regrets.
1. Is this any better than my moto?
2. How well does it work with Cingular (its unlocked, so I guess it will work?)
I'm sorry, I can't help you there: don't know the Moto, and there's no Cingular in my country.
3. How about bluetooth and OSX? Both iSync syncing and for transferring files such as ringtones
I own a 1GHz iBook. I have a USB Bluetooth adapter and it detected the SE phone with no problems. You can do file transfers without problems: pictures, video files, mp3, midi...
The only thing is, this phone is not yet supported by iSync... officialy, that is. There is a "home-made" plug-in that adds this functionality to iSync. So far, I've found no problems with it. You can find it here:
Check out that website. It's filled with tons of useful stuff for Mac-SE integration.
4. How's the MP3 player on it? Does it have a standard 3.5mm headphone jack?
I don't actually care too much for its MP3 player since I already own an iPod (mini). I find it's sound quality to be nice; however, it does NOT have a headphone jack. You'd have to get a bluetooth ear-piece, I guess. On the plus side, this phone has a Memory-Stick Micro slot to expand its built-in 25MB storage space.
I've found that the SE z530 is a great mid-range phone. I am enjoying it very much. Hope this info helps you, too.