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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 10, 2008
Italy, near Venice

my new app has been just released. It's a SOS app + handy flashlight feature (iPhone 4 only).

I usually don't create apps if there are already a lot of them that does the same thing (in fact I'm proud a few of my apps was the first of its kind like Shopping List and ABContacts).

I know there are a lot of flashlights and a few SOS apps, but this app has something unique: it combines SOS light and SOS sound with fast call and email with gps location and more importantly it has a battery monitor feature that tries to adjust the SOS signals to the residual battery life, to ensure that, when needed, you have at least a few hours of operation (starting with a full charge).

Any comment is appreciated.

iTunes Link: SOS LED

App Description :

SOS LED is much more than a handy flashlight: it's a useful app to help you deal with many everyday inconveniences or nuisances. SOS LED can emit SOS pulses of either light, sound or both. Discretely sends an email to designated recipients containing a pre-defined text and subject; optionally with your current GPS location and link to Google Maps. Calls a pre-defined phone number.
You can choose between three types of SOS pulses (slow, medium and fast) and three modes of operation: maximize the number of pulses, maximize the battery life or an adaptive mode that monitors the battery level and adjusts pulses to the residual battery life.

Pretty neat, haven't seen anything of it's kind in the App Store yet. Should be useful if you're lost in the woods, getting raped, or the like...
Im just imagining a situation in which I needed emergency assistance but it wasn't important enough to warrant anything but an email
Im just imagining a situation in which I needed emergency assistance but it wasn't important enough to warrant anything but an email

For example, If your car stops in a dark area, you can email your position and use the led to signal to other cars arriving you're in trouble. In 1.1 you'll have the option to use a different light signal since SOS in some countries can be used only for severe distress conditions.

Not a really emergency condition unless you're very hungry, but two days ago I used the app to signal my house to the pizza boy that was going around without finding my address :D
Statewide dominance was the implementation of a Reagan-like Contract with America from a Republican Speaker of the House named Newt Gingrich, coupled with the arrogance, corruption, and condescension of a Democratic President named Bill Clinton.

The decline of the Democratic Party dominance in Texas is a tough one. I believe G.W. Bush's popularity and personableness won over the Texas people, who grew tired of the previous Democratic Machine in Texas. Actually there were a lot of Blue Dog Democrats in Texas that spoke very well of G.W. Bush after he became Governor.
For example, If your car stops in a dark area, you can email your position and use the led to signal to other cars arriving you're in trouble. In 1.1 you'll have the option to use a different light signal since SOS in some countries can be used only for severe distress conditions.

Not a really emergency condition unless you're very hungry, but two days ago I used the app to signal my house to the pizza boy that was going around without finding my address :D

Great idea for an app, and that 'change' sounds perfect. I would suggest an option for a 'pulse' every 2 seconds or so, just repeating over and over.
Great idea!

The only problem is there is a flood of iPhone 4 flashlight apps on the App Store. Trust me, I have two up there! :p The SOS feature is a must, I dont know why other ones did not put it in there like ours. I like how you have a emergency contact feature built right in!

Ill check it out!
@tgibeau, thank you for your comments.

However let me say that it's not considered fair practice to advertise other apps on a app release thread.
@tgibeau, thank you for your comments.

However let me say that it's not considered fair practice to advertise other apps on a app release thread.

You're Welcome!

No sweat, I didn't mean it that way. I figured our apps are different enough that it would not disadvantage you.

I will remove my links from my previous post, sorry for the misinterpretation.

I think it's just a form of respect for other developers. I never reply to app release threads even if I have something to say, because even if I not advertise another app I still have my signature showing I'm another developer.

The app is free now and does not have ads. I'll leave it free for the rest of the year.

Try it :) any comment is appreciated.
An upgrade is coming that contains a new "Train" signal to use in place of the SOS signal when you're not in a severe distress condition.
The app is free now and does not have ads. I'll leave it free for the rest of the year.

Try it :) any comment is appreciated.
An upgrade is coming that contains a new "Train" signal to use in place of the SOS signal when you're not in a severe distress condition.

Hi Andrea - thanks for sharing this app. I downloaded it and it will be replacing my current flashlight app as I can now use yours via a single click.

One thing I noticed as troublesome: In settings, in the field where you enter the email address where you want to send distress messages to you note that multiple recipients be separated by a comma. Unfortunately, I am not seeing a comma key anywhere in the keyboards provided. When you hit the button to bring up numbers/symbols, you end up with a second button for a period (.) but no comma. That would be a helpful addition. ;)

The only other little thing is that when typing in the "message field" (again for the distress email) it is setup to auto-capitalize after every space. That is fine for the subject line but for the body message it should be setup to work off of punctuation instead of spacing.
One thing I noticed as troublesome: In settings, in the field where you enter the email address where you want to send distress messages to you note that multiple recipients be separated by a comma. Unfortunately, I am not seeing a comma key anywhere in the keyboards provided. When you hit the button to bring up numbers/symbols, you end up with a second button for a period (.) but no comma. That would be a helpful addition. ;)

This has been fixed and the upgrade is on the Apple queue :) Just a stupid error :D

The only other little thing is that when typing in the "message field" (again for the distress email) it is setup to auto-capitalize after every space. That is fine for the subject line but for the body message it should be setup to work off of punctuation instead of spacing.

I've configured that way because I think most user will enter just a few words (probably a copy of the subject). Anyway this is probably a good suggestion and I'll change it in the next upgrade (not the current one waiting on queue).

Thank you !
This has been fixed and the upgrade is on the Apple queue :) Just a stupid error :D


I've configured that way because I think most user will enter just a few words (probably a copy of the subject). Anyway this is probably a good suggestion and I'll change it in the next upgrade (not the current one waiting on queue).

Thank you !

Well see what other users have to say about it first - perhaps I'm an anomaly. I just wanted to write a short sentence or two explaining why the recipient is receiving the message and what they should do. Having every word capitalized is distracting IMO, and having to undo the caps button to enter it with "normal" capitalization was just a touch annoying. :eek:
Having every word capitalized is distracting IMO, and having to undo the caps button to enter it with "normal" capitalization was just a touch annoying. :eek:

In the mean time you can also write the text in the notes app and copy-paste it into the message field of SOS LED. Once setup is something that should not be changed often... (this works for the email recipients field too).

BTW, not sure if you seen my other thread, all our apps are 1$ today. :D
The upgrade has been approved and should become available in a few minutes.

Fixes: now you can enter a comma on the email recipients field
New feature: can use a "Train" signal instead of "SOS" signal. In some countries the SOS signal is reserved for severe distress conditions and abuses can be prosecuted.
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